- Return to Imperishable Night: Translation
- Back to Ghost Team's Scenario - Part 2
蓬莱人形 |
Doll of Hourai | |
満月の下の、草木も眠る丑三つ時。 |
Under the full moon, even the trees and grass are asleep in the dead of the night. In the Human and Youkai's 'Gut-Trial', what will scare them? The victim of the biggest sin, where is it? ["肝試し" is a kind of 'courage testing', usually done in summer. Simply speaking, it's traditional version of 'Ghost House' in theme parks. The word '肝試し' is composed of '肝(Liver)' + '試し(To test / trial)'. That's why '肝(Liver)' is frequently mentioned through the whole Extra Stage. To keep the pun in original Japanese transcription I will use '肝' as 'guts', '肝試し' as 'Gut-trial'.] | |
BGM: エクステンドアッシュ ~ 蓬莱人 |
BGM: Extend Ash ~ Hourai Victim | |
Keine Kamishirasawa ENTERS | ||
Keine |
待っていたぞ。 満月の夜にやってくるとはいい度胸だ。 |
I've been waiting for you. Challenging me on the night of the full moon... you've got guts.
Youmu |
……肝試しでも、お前は怖くない! |
Who needs guts? I'm not scared of you! |
Keine |
あの人間には指一本触れさせない! |
You may not lay a single finger on her!
Keine Kamishirasawa DEFEATED | ||
Youmu |
急に……、攻撃が止んだ。 |
Strange, the attacks stopped. That's pretty ominous. |
?? |
一際異彩を放つ、幽霊の姿。 こんな満月の下の草木も眠る丑三つ時。 |
The form of a ghost, dressed in loud colors, sweeps |
Fujiwara no Mokou ENTERS | ||
Mokou |
幽霊は珍しくは無いけど、その確かな姿、 |
Seeing ghosts isn't rare, but you happen to stand out. |
Youmu |
うわ、出た! |
Wah, something's there! |
Yuyuko |
妖夢、出たわよ。 |
Yes, Youmu, that is so. |
蓬莱の人の形 藤原 妹紅 |
Human form of Hourai | |
Mokou |
幽霊に、出た、言われてもねぇ。 |
Funny for a ghost to be saying that. |
Yuyuko |
……。 |
... |
Youmu |
なんだ、人間か。 って、こんな時間に人間? |
What, it's a human? I was just about to mistakenly slash you. But wait, humans at this hour? How unnatural! |
Yuyuko |
………。 |
......... |
Mokou |
私は最初からここに住んでいるの。 で、貴方達は何の用かしら。 |
I've lived here for ages, so it's more natural for me to be here than you. So, what business do you have here? |
Youmu |
私達は肝試しに――って、幽々子さま? |
We're here to... uh, Yuyuko? |
Yuyuko |
妖夢、そいつに近づいてはいけない。 |
Youmu, don't get close to her. |
Youmu |
幽々子さま……。 |
Miss Yuyuko... |
Yuyuko |
そいつは、他の人間とは違う。 触れてはいけない。 食してはいけない。 何より……。 |
That girl, she's different from other humans. Don't touch her. Don't eat her. Furthermore... My powers can't affect her. |
Mokou |
なんか、酷く嫌われてるようね。 それに、いきなり術って、何をかけようと |
That's a pretty sour way to talk about someone you just met. So, what exactly is the power you refer to? |
Youmu |
幽々子さまは、人間を死なす事が出来る。 |
Miss Yuyuko can invoke death in humans. |
Mokou |
いきなり取り殺そうとしたの? |
So you already tried to take my life? |
Youmu |
お前は人間ではないな? って、それじゃ幽々子さまが怯えている |
But aren't you human? Then I don't understand why Miss Yuyuko should be afraid of you. |
Mokou |
あいにくだけど、人間よ。 |
Unfortunately, yes, I am a human. |
Yuyuko |
蓬莱人……。 |
Hourai... |
Youmu |
肝試しに来るまではあれほど平気だった まぁ、この場は私が何とかします。 怖いもん無しの幽々子さまが、こんなに |
You were fine with this trial of guts just until now... did you eat something funny? Anyway, I'll just do something about it. I would never have thought something could frighten Miss Yuyuko. |
Mokou |
幽霊と私では、相性が良くないのかな? なんだか腹が立ってきたよ。 |
Can't we all just get along? This is irritating, maybe I'll just attack now. |
Youmu |
でも、何をそんなに怯えているんですか? |
But what is there to be afraid of, Miss Yuyuko? |
Yuyuko |
蓬莱の薬を飲んだ人間は不老不死になる。 その不老不死の人間の生き肝を食すと、 その人も不老不死になる。 その生き肝を亡霊が食すと……? 死ねない亡霊が生まれるわ。 そして、蓬莱の輪廻は終る。 まぁ食べなければいいんだけどね。 |
A human who drinks the Hourai Elixir never ages, never dies. If another human eats the liver of that person, that person too will never age and never die. And if a ghost eats it...? An immortal ghost is born. Thus, the cycle of Hourai ends. The soul will never rest or reincarnate, and the effect is lost. Well, we can just not eat it. |
Youmu |
じゃあ食べるなー! |
Then don't eat it! |
Mokou |
全く、ふざけた幽霊達ね。 もしかしたら、幽霊になるとこんなに 死ねない私には確かめ様がないわね。 |
Sigh, ghosts are so strange. If I were to become a ghost myself, would I be strange as well? I'll never know, because I'm immortal... |
Youmu |
心配した私が馬鹿でした。 |
I was a fool for worrying. |
Yuyuko |
食べるかもしれないよ~。 |
I might eat it, though~. |
Youmu |
幽々子さまの手の届かない処で始末します。 |
I'll dispose of it somewhere out of your reach, Miss Yuyuko. |
Mokou |
果たして、死人が私を斬る事が出来るかしら? |
In the end, can the dead actually strike the living? |
Youmu |
仲間を増やす事は出来ないかもしれないけど、 |
I don't know if we need more members, |
Mokou |
成仏を忘れた亡霊は新たな生を生まない。 生まれ生まれ生まれ生まれて生の始めに暗く |
Ghosts without a soul cannot be born... Eternally born into darkness is life |
BGM: 月まで届け、不死の煙 |
BGM: Reach for the Moon, Immortal Smoke | |
Mokou |
死を知らない私は闇を超越する。 |
I, who knows not death, have surpassed the darkness. |
Fujiwara no Mokou DEFEATED | ||
Mokou |
なんてこと! |
What is this! |
Youmu |
不老不死でも体力には限りがあるのですね。 |
Even if you never age and never die, your body still has its limits. |
Yuyuko |
さぁ、相手の動きが鈍くなってきたわ。 |
Okay, our opponent can barely move. |
Youmu |
何の今ですか! |
What "now!" |
Mokou |
死ねなくても、闘い続ける事は出来ないわ。 |
I can't die, but I can't keep fighting... |
Yuyuko |
亡霊はいいわよ。 |
Being a ghost is nice. |
Mokou |
人の話聞いてました? |
Are you even listening to me? |
Youmu |
死なない人間は面白いですね。 |
A human that can't die is interesting. |
Yuyuko |
あら、貴方いつも手を抜いているのかしら? |
Oh dear, have you been holding back? |
Youmu |
いえ、滅相も無いです。 |
Uh, no, not really. |
Mokou |
それにしても、強い。 みんな私より年下でしょう? |
But still, you're strong. I suppose everyone is younger than I am? |
Yuyuko |
人間には強さの限界があるからに 貴方は、いくら頑張っても幽霊に勝てない。 |
A human's strength is obviously limited. You can try all you like, but you will never beat a ghost. |
Youmu |
幽霊はあんまり関係無いと思いますが、 |
I don't think being ghosts really had anything to do with it, |
Yuyuko |
あら、目の前に不老不死の生き肝が。 |
Look, the unaging, undying, fresh liver. |
Youmu |
幽々子さま~。 |
Miss Yuyuko... |
Mokou |
しょうがない。 もう痛くて動けないし、 |
Oh, fine. It hurts and I can't move, so boil me, roast me, whatever! |
Yuyuko |
煮ても焼いても駄目よ! 肝は、生で食すのよ。 |
Boiling and roasting is pointless! The liver must be eaten raw. |
Youmu |
じゃあ、焼きましょう。 |
Well, let's roast her then. |
Mokou |
焼かれても死なないけどね。 |
Even if you roast me, I won't die. |
Youmu |
ところで、何でこんなことになったん |
Uh, how did we end up in this situation again? |
Yuyuko |
貴方が肝試しに行く嵌めになったって |
Didn't you say you wanted to take on |
Youmu |
ああ、それでですか。 だからさっきから生き肝、生き肝、 肝試しは途中で中止です。 輝夜は明らかに、この人間と戦わせたがって |
Oh, right, that... So why have you kept talking about liver then? I gave up on the trial, as I learned we were being manipulated by Kaguya. Kaguya simply wanted us to fight this human. |
Yuyuko |
中止?中断でしょ? |
Gave it up? Well, I'm starting it again. |
Youmu |
えー…… |
Ehh? |
Yuyuko |
ほらあそこの竹の下に幽霊が……。 |
Look!! There's a ghost under that tree!! |
Youmu |
ひえぇぇぇ。 |
Eeeeek! |
- Back to Ghost Team's Scenario - Part 2
- Return to Imperishable Night: Translation