- Return to Imperishable Night: Translation
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- Forward to Boundary Team's Scenario - Part 2
Stage 1[]
蛍火の行方 |
Where the Fireflies Fly | |
蛍の灯りはいつもより激しく見えたのは気の所為か。 |
Are the fireflies brighter than usual, or is it just your imagination? | |
BGM: 幻視の夜 ~ Ghostly Eyes |
BGM: Illusionary Night ~ Ghostly Eyes | |
Wriggle Nightbug ENTERS | ||
Wriggle Nightbug EXITS | ||
Reimu |
ほら何も無いじゃないの! |
Look, there's nothing here! |
Yukari |
まだ、夜は始まったばっかよ。 |
The night's only just begun. |
Reimu |
焦って私を連れ出しておいて 報酬は高く付くから覚えときなさい。 |
You're the one who dragged me out here in a hurry. How could you be like that? Don't forget, you owe me big time for this. |
?? |
って、さっきから何も無いって…… |
"Nothing here", you say... |
Wriggle Nightbug ENTERS | ||
Yukari |
心配しなくても…… 報酬は払うわよ。 |
Don't worry, Reimu... You'll be compensated. |
闇に蠢く光の蟲 リグル・ナイトバグ |
The Insect of Light Crawling in the Dark | |
Wriggle |
ちょっとちょっとちょっと。 私を無視するとはいい度胸だわ。 それなりの覚悟が出来てるんでしょうね! |
Hey, hey, hey. You've got some guts, not being bugged in the slightest. [In the original, "You have a lot of guts to just ignore me like that." I hope you've got the determination to match that! |
Reimu |
洒落かしら? |
Was that a pun? |
Yukari |
洒落なの? |
Was it? |
Reimu |
そう言えば、夜に出歩くのに |
Oh yeah, I left behind something important |
Wriggle |
? |
? |
Yukari |
あなたの言いたい事は判ったわ。 |
I know what you're trying to say. |
Wriggle |
蛍だってば! |
I'm a firefly! |
BGM: 蠢々秋月 ~ Mooned Insect |
BGM: Stirring an Autumn Moon ~ Mooned Insect | |
Wriggle Nightbug DEFEATED | ||
Yukari |
ほんと、夜は虫が多くて嫌よねぇ。 |
Really, it's awful at night with all these bugs around. |
Reimu |
夜しか起きていない奴が何を言うのよ。 |
...Says the fellow who's only awake at night. |
Yukari |
ええ、夜の方が自然が豊かってことよ。 |
Yes, because nature thrives during the night. |
Reimu |
最近、蛍も増えたわね…… |
There've been lots of fireflies, lately... |
Yukari |
判ってるじゃないの。 |
See, you understand what I'm saying. |
Stage 2[]
人間の消える道 |
The Path Where Humans Vanish | |
人間の通り道も、真夜中に出歩くものは獣か妖怪位。 |
At midnight, only beasts and youkai lurk on the roads of mankind. | |
BGM: 夜雀の歌声 ~ Night Bird |
BGM: Song of the Night Sparrow ~ Night Bird | |
Mystia Lorelei ENTERS | ||
Mystia Lorelei PAUSES | ||
Mystia |
ちょ、ちょっと待って~! |
Wait, waaaait!! |
Reimu |
何? |
What? |
Mystia |
久しぶりのヒトネギだと思ったのに。 |
Aw, I thought some hasty-tasty humans finally came around. ["Hitonegi" is pun of "Kamonegi", which is shorter version of "鴨が葱を背負ってくる (Duck comes to you with green onion)", an idiom in Japan. Something that tastes good comes to you carrying an ingredient that makes it taste even better... from that story, that idiom is used when "Easy prey foolishly comes to you". "Hito" means person.] |
夜雀の怪 ミスティア・ローレライ |
Night Sparrow Apparition | |
Mystia |
あんた達、一体何者なのよ~? |
So who exactly are you two? |
Yukari |
ん、人間以外。 |
Um, non-humans. |
Mystia |
人間以外? |
Non-humans? |
Reimu |
まぁ、人間以外でもなんでもいいけど。 |
Well, human or not, it's fine with me either way. |
Mystia |
珍しいわね。この道に以外が通るなんて。 |
My, that's rare. Seeing non-humans traveling this road, I mean. |
Yukari |
ふーん。あなたは夜雀のようね。 あんまり人間ばっか襲ってると~。 この辺から人間が居なくなるわよ。 |
Really. You seem to be a night sparrow. If you attack humans too often, there won't be any more left around here. |
Reimu |
だからといって、人間の代わりに妖怪を |
That might be so, but I don't think she'd |
Mystia |
ほっといてよ。大体、とっくに夜の道から 居たとしても、よっぽど急ぎか、訳ありか 人間以外だけだわ。 |
Oh, shut up. Besides, nothing human-like has shown up Even if there were any, they'd be in a hurry, or have |
Yukari |
いい?もう一度言うわ。 こんな所で時間を潰している暇は無いわ。 |
Listen. I'll say this once more. We don't have time to waste here. |
Reimu |
この道の先って、あんまり紫の様な妖怪が |
It's not often that youkai like Yukari visit the place we're going, though... |
Mystia |
久しぶりの遊び相手なのに……。 そうだ、里に行って一緒に人間を |
But it's been so long since the last time I played... I know, why don't we go to that village and toy around with the humans together? |
Reimu |
ああもう、私は前から言ってるでしょ! |
Ah, sheesh, I've already said this before! |
Yukari |
? |
? |
Mystia |
?? |
?? |
Reimu |
私は鳥目じゃ無いって。 |
I can see in the dark! |
Mystia |
あ、人間発見。 私が鳥目にしてあげる! |
Ah, human sighted. I'll make you night-blind myself! [Reimu had denied being night-blind or bird-eyed before in Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, even though she definitely has trouble seeing in the night. With all the talk about night-blindness here, she denied it before actually being accused, which pretty much gave her away...] |
BGM: もう歌しか聞こえない |
BGM: Deaf to all but the Song | |
Mystia Lorelei DEFEATED | ||
Yukari |
全く、夜雀風情が。 羽蟲の王気取りは、絶望的に早いわ。 |
Goodness, that was only a night sparrow. It's hopelessly too early for someone like her to act as the mighty champ of the winged creatures. |
Reimu |
……今の奴、本当に雀だったの? |
...Was that really a sparrow? |
Yukari |
夜の小鳥は大体夜雀よ。 取り扱いに気を付けないと、暗い所では |
If you see a small bird at night, that's usually a night sparrow. If you're not careful around them, you'll become unable |
Reimu |
(……雀ってあんなだったかなぁ。 ああ、人間の里が見えてきたわ。あんたと |
(...is that really what sparrows are like? Ah, I can see the human village now. |
Stage 3[]
歴史喰いの懐郷 |
Memories of the History-Eater's Home | |
一車道の先には人間達が住む小さな里がある。 |
At the end of the pass, there was a small village where humans lived. | |
BGM: 懐かしき東方の血 ~ Old World |
BGM: Nostalgic Blood of the East ~ Old World | |
Keine Kamishirasawa ENTERS | ||
Keine |
お前達か。 |
It's you. |
Reimu |
この惨状はあんたの仕業ね? |
Are you the one who did this awful thing? |
Keine |
お前達妖怪には、人間を渡しはしない。 今夜を無かった事にしてやる! |
I can't hand over the humans to you youkai. I'll make sure this night never happened! |
Keine Kamishirasawa PAUSES | ||
Keine |
あー、お前達何もんだ? |
Wha... what the heck are you? |
Reimu |
ちょっと、里を元に戻しなさい! |
Hey, bring the village back! |
Keine Kamishirasawa EXITS | ||
Keine Kamishirasawa ENTERS | ||
Keine |
しつこいな。 |
You're so persistent. |
Reimu |
あんたなんかどうでもいいのよ。 ここは人間の里だった筈でしょ? なのに、何も無いじゃない。 |
Think what you want. A human village was supposed to be here, right? But there's nothing here. What happened to the humans and their houses and everything!? |
Keine |
どうもしてない。 |
Nothing. |
知識と歴史の半獣 上白沢 慧音 |
Half beast of Knowledge and History | |
Keine |
お前達には見えないようにしてやっただけだ。 |
I merely hid the village from your kind. |
Yukari |
霊夢、こんな所でしっぽりしている暇は無いわ。 こうしている間にも月はどんどん沈んでいるの。 |
Reimu, we don't have time to stick around here. The moon sinks lower with every moment. |
Reimu |
しっぽりはしてないけど、ちょっと待って。 人間を里ごと消している妖怪を見逃す訳には |
We're not exactly sticking, but hold on. I can't just ignore a youkai that erased a whole village with its people. |
Keine |
ここには、元々人間は住んでいなかった。 と言う風に見える様にしただけだ。 私が、この不吉な夜から人間を守る。 |
"Humans never settled here in the first place." All I did was make it look that way. I'll protect the humans from this ill-omened night. |
Yukari |
ねぇねぇ。 私には普通に人間の姿が見えるんだけどさぁ。 この程度のまやかしなんて、全然役に立たない |
Hey, you know. I do see the humans as usual though. This little trick of yours isn't useful at all. |
Keine |
! お前達、本当に何もんだ? |
! What exactly are you two? |
Reimu |
大丈夫。私には里は見えないわ。 |
Don't worry. It's invisible enough to me. |
Keine |
うう。そんな情けかけられても。 |
Uu. Your pity isn't helping. |
Yukari |
それにあんた。 半獣なんでしょ? |
And you. You're a half-beast, right? |
Keine |
満月じゃなければ人間だ。 |
I'm human when the moon isn't full. |
Yukari |
人面犬とか人面岩とかと大差ないわね。 |
Not much different from a human-faced dog or human-faced rock, then. |
Keine |
何で顔だけ残して変身する必要があるんだよ。 |
Why does everything except my face have to change? |
Yukari |
牛頭馬頭とか、頭だけ獣に変身。 |
Oh, but you could have a cow-head or a horse-head. |
Keine |
……まぁいい。 そこまで言うなら、もう後には引かせない。 |
...Fine. If you're going to say that, |
BGM: プレインエイジア |
BGM: Plain Asia | |
Keine |
今夜は、お前達の歴史で満漢全席だ! |
I will feast upon your history tonight! [満漢全席 = Chinese full-course dinner. A nice translation for 満漢全席 has not been found yet, so "feast" is being used for now.] |
Yukari |
私はともかく、こいつの歴史は点心位に |
Myself aside, I'd say her history would amount to a light snack at best. [Original translation: Dim sum (点心), a Chinese light meal eaten sometime from morning to early afternoon] |
Reimu |
うるさいなぁ。 |
Shut up. [Aona -- 飲茶 is similar to Chinese tea with 点心, if I understand right... but straightly using tea doesn't make sense in this line. I think Reimu's intention was something similar to above line...] |
Keine Kamishirasawa DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
さぁ、人間の里を元に戻しなさい! |
Restore that human village, now! |
Yukari |
戻しても大丈夫よ。 |
It's fine either way. |
Keine |
じゃぁ、何処に行こうとしてるんだ? |
Tell me, where are you trying to go anyway? |
Reimu |
あっち。 |
That way. |
Yukari |
こっち。 |
This way. |
Keine |
……。 昨今の異常な月の原因を作った奴なら、 |
... If you're after the ones behind the abnormal moon, it's that way. |
Reimu |
ほら言ったとおりじゃない。 |
Hah, I was right. |
Yukari |
霊夢の指先と70度は違う向きね。 |
Reimu, your finger is off from hers by 70 degrees. |
Reimu |
あんたは110度違う。 |
But you're off by 110-- |
Yukari |
判らない方がおかしいのよ。 |
I'd be more surprised if she didn't notice. |
Stage 4 Powerful[]
魔力を含む土の下 |
Underneath the Mana-Saturated Soil [There are several translation candidates for "魔力", straight "Magic Power", or "Mana", etc... I used mana in this case, but I believe there's something better] | |
力強い竹の下には、さらに力強い根が張り巡らされて |
Beneath these robust bamboo stalks grow even sturdier roots. | |
BGM: 永夜の報い ~ Imperishable Night. |
BGM: Retribution for the Eternal Night ~ Imperishable Night | |
?? |
動くと撃つ! |
Move and I'll shoot!! |
Marisa Kirisame ENTERS | ||
Marisa |
間違えた。 |
I messed up. |
Reimu |
何? |
What? |
普通の黒魔法少女 霧雨 魔理沙 |
Ordinary Black Magician | |
Marisa |
さぁな、私はいつも通り、迷惑な妖怪を退治 |
Oh, you know, just hunting some troublesome youkai as usual. |
Reimu |
へぇ、奇遇ね。 |
Funny, what a coincidence. |
Marisa |
私が言ってるのは「迷惑な妖怪」を退治だ。 |
What I said was "hunting troublesome youkai". |
Reimu |
そうでもないわ。 |
No, not really. |
Yukari |
へぇ、こんな夜に、あなた一人で何が出来る |
My, what can you do all by yourself on a night such as this? |
Marisa |
迷惑な妖怪退治だ。 今日の月なんてもう見飽きた。 |
Hunt troublesome youkai. I'm tired of staring at the moon. |
Yukari |
で、迷惑な妖怪って? |
So, who's the troublesome youkai? |
Marisa |
お前の事だよ。 |
You. |
Reimu |
夜を止めているのは私達。 |
We froze the night. |
Yukari |
そう。 |
Indeed. |
Marisa |
あー? |
What? |
Reimu |
まぁ、多分無いけど。 |
I doubt she does. |
Marisa |
日本語を話せ。 |
Speak in Japanese. |
BGM: 恋色マスタースパーク |
BGM: Love-colored Master Spark | |
Reimu |
魔理沙に何言っても無駄ね。 |
Looks like nothing we say will get through to her. |
Yukari |
あの歪な月は危険なのに……。 |
But that distorted moon is so dangerous... |
Reimu |
人間には大して害は無いの。 |
It's not harmful to humans, though. |
Marisa |
あー?何だか知らないけど。 妖怪は夜に人を喰う。 夜が続けば、喰い過ぎで妖怪は自滅する。 |
What? I don't know what you're talking about. Youkai eat humans during the night. If the night lasts too long, all the youkai will stuff themselves until they die. |
Yukari |
する訳無いじゃない。 |
Of course they won't. |
Marisa |
自滅する前に退治してやらないとな。 |
Gotta exterminate them before they die! |
Marisa Kirisame EXITS | ||
Reimu |
あ、逃げた? |
Ah, running away? |
Yukari |
さぁ、地の果てまで追うのよ。 |
We'll chase her to the ends of the earth. |
Marisa Kirisame ENTERS | ||
Marisa Kirisame PAUSES | ||
Marisa |
あれ、霊夢じゃないか? |
Oh, if it isn't Reimu! |
Reimu |
白々しいにも程があるわ。 |
There's a limit, even to transparent lies. |
Marisa |
さっきのは紫分。 |
The last attack was for Yukari. |
Marisa Kirisame DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
魔理沙を追っているうちに、目的地に着いた |
Looks like we found what we were looking for while chasing Marisa. |
Yukari |
ほんと、あなたって幸運ねぇ。 |
Amazing, you're really lucky! |
Marisa |
くそ。 |
Dammit. |
Yukari |
お陰で犯人がわかったのよ。 |
Thanks to you, we figured out who the culprit is. |
Reimu |
いや、犯人は判らないけど。 |
Ah, but we haven't figured out exactly who it is. |
Marisa |
まぁ負けたんだから仕様が無い。 起きたら朝になっている事を祈るぜ。 |
Can't be helped if I lost. When I wake up, it'd better be morning. |
Yukari |
永遠にお休みなさい。 |
Sleep for all eternity. |
Reimu |
まぁ、風邪ひかないようにね。 |
Well, try not to catch a cold. |
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- Forward to Boundary Team's Scenario - Part 2
- Return to Imperishable Night: Translation