This is a glossary of common terms and abbreviations used in the Touhou series or in discussions about the series.
Contents: Top - 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 1CC = 1 Credit Clear or 1 Coin Clear — Completing the game from start to finish without using extra continues (necessary to see the good endings in most Touhou games). Credit refers to the arcades where the term first started. Each credit is usually bought with a single coin.
- 1LC = 1 Life Clear — Completing the game on single credit without losing any lives in the process.
- Alphes - A member of Tasofro responsible for character illustrations in both of the fighting games.
- BAiJR - Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red
- Bougetsushou - Japanese name of the storyline consisting of Silent Sinner in Blue, Cage in Lunatic Runagate and Inaba of the Moon and Inaba of the Earth
- Boundary - A border between two things. There are many boundaries in Gensokyo.
- Bunbunmaru Newspaper - The newspaper published by Aya Shameimaru.
- Bunkachou - Japanese name of Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red, Shoot the Bullet, and Double Spoiler
- Chireiden - Japanese name of Subterranean Animism
- CiLR - Cage in Lunatic Runagate
- CoLA - Curiosities of Lotus Asia
- CoSD - Changeability of Strange Dream
- CtC - Concealed the Conclusion
- D.N.A. Softwares - A doujin game company.
- Danmaku - The barrage of bullets the character shoot, meaning "curtain fire."
- DiPP - Dolls in Pseudo Paradise
- DS - Double Spoiler
- EaLND - Eastern and Little Nature Deity
- Eiyashou - Japanese name of Imperishable Night
- EoSD - Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
- Fujinroku - Japanese name of Mountain of Faith
- Fuumaroku - Japanese name of Story of Eastern Wonderland
- FW - Fairy Wars
- Four Devas of the Mountains
- Gensoukyou - Japanese name of Lotus Land Story, also the setting of the Touhou stories.
- GFC - Ghostly Field Club
- GoM - The Grimoire of Marisa
- Graze - Drawing close to a bullet without actually being hit by it.
- Gumonshiki - Japanese name of Perfect Memento in Strict Sense
- Hakkero - Magical artifact used by Marisa Kirisame.
- Hakurei Yin-Yang Orb - A weapon used by Reimu Hakurei.
- Hakurouken and Roukanken - The swords used by Youmu Konpaku.
- Hisouten - Japanese name of Scarlet Weather Rhapsody
- Hisoutensoku - Japanese name of Touhou Hisoutensoku
- Hit box - The area of an object that determines a collision. Normally smaller than the actual character/bullet.
- Hourai Elixir - An elixir of immortality created by Eirin Yagokoro.
- HP - Hit Points, the amount of damage an enemy (usually boss or midboss) can sustain before dying, leaving the scene or changing form.
- IaMP - Immaterial and Missing Power
- IN - Imperishable Night
- IotMaIotE - Inaba of the Moon and Inaba of the Earth
- Kaeizuka - Japanese name of Phantasmagoria of Flower View
- Kaikidan - Japanese name of Mystic Square
- Keystone - An object used by Tenshi Hinanawi which can be used in a number of different ways.
- Koumakyou - Japanese name of Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
- Kourindou - Japanese name of Curiosities of Lotus Asia, also the place where it takes place.
- LLS - Lotus Land Story
- MA - Magical Astronomy
- MoF - Mountain of Faith
- MS - Mystic Square
- OSP - Oriental Sacred Place
- PC-98 - The computer system for which Touhou games 1 through 5 were developed.
- PCB - Perfect Cherry Blossom (Do not confuse it with printed circuit board, the medium used for arcade games!)
- PMiSS - Perfect Memento in Strict Sense
- POC - Point of collection
- PoDD - Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream
- PoFV - Phantasmagoria of Flower View
- Point of collection - The point onscreen where all objects are auto-collected.
- PoTES - Palace of the Earth Spirits
- R53M - Retrospective 53 minutes
- Rei'iden - Japanese name of Highly Responsive to Prayers
- Reitaisai - A Touhou based convention held yearly in Japan.
- RSO - Rumbling Spell Orchestra
- SA - Subterranean Animism
- SaBND - Strange and Bright Nature Deity
- Sangessei - The variation of Sangetsusei. See below.
- Sangetsusei - Japanese name of Eastern and Little Nature Deity, Strange and Bright Nature Deity, Oriental Sacred Place, & Fairy Wars
- Seirensen - Japanese name of Undefined Fantastic Object
- Shinreibyou - Japanese name of Ten Desires
- Shooting game - The genre of games which Touhou belongs to.
- Spell Card - See the article for more detail.
- SSiB - Silent Sinner in Blue
- StB - Shoot the Bullet
- STG - Shooting game
- Suimusou - Japanese name of Immaterial and Missing Power
- Sword of Hisou - A very powerful sword used by Tenshi Hinanawi.
- SWR - Scarlet Weather Rhapsody
- Tasofro - A group that collaborated with Team Shanghai Alice to produce the Touhou fighting games.
- TD - Ten Desires
- Team Shanghai Alice - Zun.
- tHRtP - Highly Responsive to Prayers
- tSEW - Story of Eastern Wonderland
- U2 Akiyama - Created the music for the fighters.
- UFO - Undefined Fantastic Object
- Youyoumu - Japanese name of Perfect Cherry Blossom
- Yumejikuu - Japanese name of Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream
- ZUN - Creator of the Touhou Project series.