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Shoot the Bullet: Level Ex Spell Card Strategy

Spell Card Ex - 1

Screenshot No. Ex - 1: 禁忌「フォービドゥンフルーツ」

Taboo "Forbidden Fruit"

Owner: Flandre Scarlet
Level Ex — 1
Comment: 取材中にいきなり攻撃を仕掛けてきました。


While looking for news, I was suddenly attacked.
A noiseless, irrational fear.
I hope that feeling comes out in the photos...

Spell Card Ex - 2

Screenshot No. Ex - 2: 禁忌「禁じられた遊び」

Taboo "Forbidden Games"
Forbidden Games (Jeux Interdits): a title of a French film.

Owner: Flandre Scarlet
Level Ex — 2
Comment: 私はてっきり吸血鬼が十字架に弱い物なのかと


I was fairly sure vampires were weak to
the cross symbol, but it doesn't seem like it.
She just came out and played with it...

Spell Card Ex - 3

Screenshot No. Ex - 3: 境符「色と空の境界」

Boundary Sign "Boundary between Form and Emptiness"
色 (Shiki): Form (Rupa), color
空 (Kuh): Emptiness (Shunyata), void
Her name "紫 (purple)" is also visible and invisible light.

Owner: Yukari Yakumo
Level Ex — 3
Comment: ファインダーを覗いていたら逃げ場のない


Looking through the viewfinder, I was
set upon with no place to hide.
But, nothing can stand before this camera.

Spell Card Ex - 4

Screenshot No. Ex - 4: 境符「波と粒の境界」

Boundary Sign "Boundary between Wave and Particle"
The name is concerned in quantum theory.

Owner: Yukari Yakumo
Level Ex — 4
Comment: まるで催眠術でもかけられそうでした。


This feels somewhat hypnotic.
Waves become particles, and then back to waves.
Would a photo capture this?

Spell Card Ex - 5

Screenshot No. Ex - 5: 貴人「サンジェルマンの忠告」

Exalted Personage "Advice of St. Germain"
Count of St. Germain: an immortal alchemist.

Owner: Fujiwara no Mokou
Level Ex — 5
Comment: カメラは大丈夫かしら?

人間って何者? 火消し屋さん?

I wonder if my camera's okay.
What kind of human can live inside such
strong fire? A firefighter?

Spell Card Ex - 6

Screenshot No. Ex - 6: 蓬莱「瑞江浦嶋子と五色の瑞亀」

Hourai "Mizunoe no Ura no Shimako and Five-Coloured Turtles"
Mizunoe no Ura no Shimako, who is also known as "Tarou Urashima (浦島太郎)", is a central character of a Japanese folktale which is a little bit similar to "Rip Van Winkle". The Rip Van Winkle effect is dubbed the Urashima effect in Japan.
The five colors, red, blue, yellow, white, and black, are symbolic colors of the five elements in East Asian philosophy. The colors correspond to Fire (火), Wood (木), Earth (土), Metal (金), and Water (水), respectively.

Owner: Fujiwara no Mokou
Level Ex — 6
Comment: 赤青黄白黒。こんな亀は見たことが無いわ。


Red, blue, yellow, white, black. I've never seen turtles
like that. But, I'm not just a hunter - I'm a journalist.
(before rare hunter comes here, I take a picture perfectly.)
I should be able to write up something.

Spell Card Ex - 7

Screenshot No. Ex - 7: 鬼気「濛々迷霧」

Qi of Oni "Deep Fog Labyrinth"
Qi: mysterious energy in the Chinese philosophy.

Owner: Suika Ibuki
Level Ex — 7
Comment: 濃い鬼の霧は当たると痛いのよねぇ。


This thick oni mist hurts if you touch it.
On top of that, my wind can't blow it away.
It doesn't seem to need any wind to move.

Spell Card Ex - 8

Screenshot No. Ex - 8: 「百万鬼夜行」

"Night Parade of One Million Demons"
Hyakki Yako(百鬼夜行): A night parade of one hundred demons. This spell's name is a coined term from this parade, times ten thousand(百万: a million, 百: a hundred).

Owner: Suika Ibuki
Level Ex — 8
Comment: 久々に鬼の力を見たわ。


I haven't seen an oni's power in forever.
Simply the most powerful youkai in Gensokyo.
That's a simplification, though.

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