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Stage 1[]
淡水真珠の涙 ~Water Nymph~ |
Tears of Freshwater Pearls ~Water Nymph~ | |
霧の湖 |
BGM: ミストレイク |
BGM: Mist Lake | |
Cirno ENTERS | ||
Cirno DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
こんな湖に暴れるような 妖怪がいたっけなぁ |
Were there really any youkai who would run amok in this lake? |
?? |
あなたは! |
Hey, you! |
Wakasagihime ENTERS | ||
淡水に棲む人魚 わかさぎ姫 |
Mermaid Living in Fresh Water | |
Wakasagihime |
かの高名な巫女じゃ ありませんか あれ? 武器を持っていないって事は 私を退治しに来た 訳ではないの? |
You're that famous shrine maiden, aren't you? Huh? You don't have a weapon... Does that mean you haven't come to exterminate me? |
Reimu |
退治に来たんだけど お祓い棒は……ちょっとね |
I came to exterminate you, but that purification rod... well, I didn't bring it. |
Wakasagihime |
You're underestimating me! You ought to reaffirm the terror |
BGM: 秘境のマーメイド |
BGM: Mermaid from the Uncharted Land | |
Wakasagihime DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
人魚は大人しい妖怪だと 思ってたんだけどねぇ やっぱり何か 起きてるのかな |
And here I thought that mermaids were a quiet sort of youkai. Something's definitely going on. |
Stage 2[]
柳の下の生首 ~Flying Head~ |
Severed Head Under the Willows ~Flying Head~ | |
柳の運河 |
Canal of Willows | |
BGM: 運河を行き交う人妖 |
Sekibanki ENTERS | ||
Sekibanki EXITS | ||
Reimu |
こんな人里近くで 妖怪騒ぎだって!? これは本格的に異変が 起こっているんだわ |
Youkai are rampaging this close to the Human Village!? We've got a bonafide incident on our hands. |
?? |
早速現れたわね |
So you've appeared already. |
Sekibanki ENTERS | ||
ろくろ首の怪奇 赤蛮奇 |
The Rokurokubi Horror | |
Sekibanki |
私を退治しに来たというの? |
Have you come to exterminate me? |
Reimu |
探す手間が省けたわ そっちから出て来てくれるなんて さっさと片付けるわよ! |
You saved me a lot of searching. Thanks for coming out on your own. I'll make this quick! |
Sekibanki |
……本当ね 大人しくしてたら 人間が増長したって |
...So, it's true. Humans really have gotten swollen heads now that we've been calm for a while. |
Reimu |
ってあんた…… ろくろ首ね? |
Hey, wait... Aren't you a rokurokubi? |
BGM: 柳の下のデュラハン |
BGM: Dullahan Under the Willows | |
Sekibanki |
そうよ 人間は誰だって私を怖がるわ! |
That's right. There isn't a human alive who isn't afraid of me! |
Sekibanki DEFEATED | ||
Sekibanki |
な なによあんた 強いじゃないのよ |
Wh-What's with you? You're actually strong! |
Reimu |
妖怪退治は専門だもん |
Well, youkai extermination IS my speciality. |
Sekibanki |
もしかして あなたは…… |
Could you perhaps be...? |
Reimu |
今頃気付いたの? |
You just realized it now? |
Sekibani |
これはこれは 神社の巫女じゃありませんか 妖怪に乗っ取られたと 評判の神社の |
My, my... If it isn't the shrine's maiden. From that popular shrine that got hijacked by youkai. |
Stage 3[]
十五夜の妖獣 ~Metamorphose~ |
Beast of the 15th Night ~Metamorphose~ | |
迷いの竹林 |
BGM: 満月の竹林 |
BGM: Bamboo Forest of the Full Moon | |
Kagerou Imaizumi ENTERS | ||
Kagerou Imaizumi EXITS | ||
?? |
私を退治しに来たのね? |
You've come to exterminate me, haven't you? |
Kagerou Imaizumi ENTERS | ||
Reimu |
何か…… 今日倒して来た妖怪って みんな退治されたがって いたような |
Huh... >All the youkai I beat today... It's like they all actually wanted to be exterminated. |
竹林のルーガルー 今泉影狼 |
The Bamboo Forest's Loup-Garou | |
Kagerou |
そう見えるのかしら? ただ単にみんなちょっと 嬉しいだけだと思うけど |
Does it look like that to you? I think everyone is just a little happy. |
Reimu |
嬉しいだって!? |
Happy!? |
Kagerou |
妖怪退治の専門家だって 謳っていてもさ 私達みたいな単独行動の妖怪は いつも相手にされてなかったから |
Even if you declare yourself to be some youkai extermination professional, independently acting youkai like us haven't been taken seriously by you for a long time. |
Reimu |
私だって暇じゃ無いのよ かまって貰いたい為だけで 暴れないで欲しいなぁ |
It's not like I have spare time, either. I'd like it if you wouldn't make a mess just because you wanted me to pay attention to you. |
BGM: 孤独なウェアウルフ |
BGM: Lonesome Werewolf | |
Kagerou |
調子に乗ると痛い目に 遭うわよ? よりにもよって こんな満月の夜にね |
If you get carried away, you're going to regret it. And of all the days, on this night of the full moon, too. |
Kagerou Imaizumi DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
何の妖怪かと思ったら 狼女だったのね |
I wondered what youkai you were. So you were a werewolf. |
Kagerou |
あーあ 満月なのに負けちゃった |
Geez... I lost, even with the full moon. |
Reimu |
最近普段大人しい筈の妖怪が 暴れているみたいだけど 何故なの? |
All these normally quiet youkai are causing a ruckus lately. Why is that? |
Kagerou |
さあ 偶然じゃ無いかしら? 最低でも私は自分の意思よ? ……たぶん |
I don't know. Isn't it coincidence? At the very least, I'm acting on my own will. ...Probably. |
Reimu |
むむむ そんな妙な事あるかなぁ |
Hum. That seems odd. |
Kagerou |
本当は満月の日に出たく なかったんだけどなぁ |
I didn't even want to come out on the night of the full moon, either. |
Reimu |
なんで? さっきまで嬉々としてたじゃない |
Why's that? You were all upbeat just a while ago. |
Kagerou |
ほら…… 抜け毛の処理が面倒だから |
Well look... It's a pain to clean up the hair that falls out. |
Reimu |
あ― うん |
Ah...I see. |
Stage 4[]
嵐の中の不協和音 ~Stormy Discord~ |
A Sound of Discord Within the Storm ~Stormy Discord~ | |
幻想郷上空(嵐) |
Skies Above Gensokyo (Storm) | |
BGM: マジカルストーム |
BGM: Magical Storm | |
Benben Tsukumo ENTERS | ||
Benben Tsukumo EXITS | ||
Reimu |
この不気味な嵐は一体…… こういう所に何らかの敵がいる! 私の経験上! |
What the heck is this creepy storm? There's got to be an enemy around here! Based on my experience! |
?? |
ちょっとまって |
Wait a minute! |
Yatsuhashi Tsukumo ENTERS | ||
古びた琴の付喪神 九十九 八橋 |
Tsukumogami of an Aging Koto | |
Yatsuhashi |
私の相手をしてくれない? |
Why don't you fight with me? |
Reimu |
ほら妖怪がいた こうなりゃ何でも相手になるわよ |
See, it's a youkai. I'll take on as many of you as you want! |
Benben Tsukumo ENTERS | ||
Benben |
こらこらそいつは私の獲物だぞ? 横取りとは感心しないねぇ |
Now, now. That's my prey, you know. Swiping her away is rather unimpressive. |
Yatsuhashi |
ふーんだ 逃す方が悪いんだから それにさっきの戦いをみてたけど こいつは姉さんの直線的な 音楽じゃあ駄目よ |
Hmmph! It's your fault for running away. I saw you fighting her before, too. Your plain, linear music won't work on her, big sis. |
Reimu |
えーっと 何でも良いから始めてくれない? |
Err... I don't really care, so can we start now? |
Yatsuhashi |
そうね やるわよー? 私は人間と闘って倒すのが 夢だったんだから |
All right. Let's do this, then! It's always been my dream to fight against a human and win. |
Benben |
まあいいや 私は他の相手を探そうっと じゃあ後はよろしく |
Well, whatever. I'll just look for other opponents. I'll leave the rest to you. |
Benben Tsukumo EXITS | ||
Reimu |
あ ちょっ…… |
Hey, wai- |
Yatsuhashi |
どっちを見てるのよ 貴方の相手は私よ |
Where are you looking? Your opponent is me! |
BGM: 幻想浄瑠璃 |
BGM: Illusionary Joururi | |
Yatsuhashi |
大人しき物が力を得る この下克上の世界 道具だって世界を支配できる! 貴方はその礎となるのよ! |
The well-behaved have gained power in this world of social upheaval. Even mere tools can rule the world! I'll make you the foundation we'll stand on! |
Yatsuhashi Tsukumo DEFEATED | ||
Yatsuhashi |
ありゃりゃ 強いのねー |
Oh, geez. You're strong! |
Reimu |
ちょっとちょっと 下克上の世界って どういうこと? |
Wait, wait. What did you mean by "world of social upheaval"? |
Yatsuhashi |
え? だって…… 私みたいな道具でも力が持てる 最高じゃない 大人しくしている場合じゃないわ |
Huh? I mean... Even tools like myself can possess power. Isn't that great? This is no time to be behaving ourselves. |
Reimu |
道具が力を……だって? |
The tools have power? |
Yatsuhashi |
それに今まで大人しかった妖怪達ほど 強い力が貰えるのよ? これは下克上の流れだわ! |
Also, even the youkai who've been docile up until now have received strong power too. That's how social upheaval works! |
Reimu |
え? 力が貰える? 何を言って…… |
Huh? They received power? What are you-- |
Yatsuhashi |
空中に浮かぶ逆さ城…… あそこから力が溢れ出てるのよ |
That inverted castle floating in the sky... Power is overflowing from here. |
Stage 5[]
何もかも逆さまな世界 ~Reverse Ideology~ |
An Entirely-Inverted World ~Reverse Ideology~ | |
空中逆さ城内部 |
Floating Inverted Castle - Interior | |
BGM: 空中に沈む輝針城 |
BGM: The Shining Needle Castle Sinking in the Air | |
Seija Kijin ENTERS | ||
Seija Kijin EXITS | ||
Seija Kijin ENTERS | ||
Seija |
何だ? お前は ここはお前達のような人間が 来る場所ではない 即刻立ち去れい! |
What? What do you want? This isn't a place for humans like you. Leave at once! |
Reimu |
はいそうですか…… って立ち去る訳がないでしょ? 空中にこんなお城を建てて 何考えているのよ |
You can't possibly think I'd just say "okay" and be on my way. What are you thinking, building this huge castle in the air? |
逆襲のあたまのじゃく 鬼人 正邪 |
Counterattacking Amanojaku | |
Seija |
聞きたいか? 聞きたいよな? 何を隠そう我らは 下克上を企んでいるのだ! まあ関係無い話だがな どのみち被支配者の人間には |
You want to hear? You want to hear, don't you? To tell you the truth, we're plotting to overthrow society! It doesn't have much to do with you, since either way, humans will end up being ruled over. |
Reimu |
本気で下克上を考えている奴がいたのね |
So there are people who would seriously consider social upheaval. |
Seija |
なんだ? 驚かないな |
What? Don't be so surprised. |
Reimu |
だってさっきお琴の付喪神が そんな話してたもん |
Well, the koto tsukumogami I met earlier was saying things like that. |
Seija |
何だと? お琴の付喪神だと……? そうか それも代償の一つだな |
What? A koto tsukumogami...? I see. That must be part of the payment. |
Reimu |
……? |
...? |
Seija |
まあいい それも味方に付くだろう! これからは強者が力を失い 弱者がこの世を統べるのだ! |
Well, whatever. That just means we have more allies! From here on, the strong shall lose their power and the weak will unify the world! |
Reimu |
呆れたわ そんな誰も得をしない事を する妖怪がいるなんて |
Oh boy. I can't believe there are youkai who would do something no one would benefit from like that. |
Music Stops | ||
Seija |
誰も得をしない 我ら力弱き者達が お前達には判るまい |
Nobody... would benefit? None of you understand how much we, the weak, have been oppressed. So... |
BGM: リバースイデオロギー |
BGM: Reverse Ideology | |
Seija |
何もかもひっくり返る逆さ城で 念願の挫折を味わうがいい! |
In this inverted castle where everything is turned upside-down, I'll give you a taste of this long-awaited failure! |
Seija Kijin DEFEATED | ||
Sejia |
くう なんてこった 時期尚早だったか |
Ugh. How'd this happen? Maybe my attempt was premature. |
Reimu |
下克上だなんて…… 幻想郷を混乱に貶める 行動は許さないわ! |
Overthrowing society... I won't allow you to cast Gensokyo into chaos! |
Seija |
混乱だと? だから人間に何が判る ただ力が無いだけで悪の汚名を 着せられ虐げられてきた私の歴史 今こそ復讐の時だ! |
Chaos? Just like a human. You don't understand! I've been branded with disgrace and oppressed just for not having any power. That's my history. Now is the time for revenge! |
Reimu |
あっ ちょっ! まあ追えば良いんでしょ? 追えば |
Hey, wait--! Well, I suppose I should chase her? Yeah, let's do that. |
Stage 6[]
小さき者の大きな野望 ~Little Princess~ |
The Small One's Great Ambition ~Little Princess~ | |
輝針城 天守閣 |
Shining Needle Castle - Castle Keep | |
BGM: 針小棒大の天守閣 |
BGM: The Exaggerated Castle Keep | |
Seija Kijin ENTERS | ||
Seija Kijin DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
すっかり夜が明けたみたいね もう闘いのお膳立ては整ったわ さあ出てきなさい! 幻想郷の平穏を破る者よ! |
Looks like the daybreak just arrived. The stage for our battle is nice and set. Now, show yourself! Who is disturbing Gensokyo's peace!? |
?? |
だーれ? |
Who's theeere? |
Shinmyoumaru Sukuna ENTERS | ||
Shinmyoumaru |
あら博麗神社の巫女じゃない 来るべき時が来たのね |
Oh, if it isn't the Hakurei shrine maiden. You came at just the right time. |
Reimu |
あんたが誰なのか知らないけど 下克上を企んでるんだって? 悪いけど その企みはここでお仕舞いよ! |
I have no idea who you are, but you're planning to overthrow society, right? Sorry, but this plot of yours ends here! |
Shinmyoumaru |
ついに巫女に気付かれ ちゃったのかー でも私は諦めない! |
Oh man, did the shrine maiden finally catch on? But I won't give up! |
小人の末裔 少名 針妙丸 |
Descendant of the Kobito | |
Shinmyoumaru |
小人の一族がどのような 屈辱を味わって来たのか 貴方達に判らせるまで! |
I won't rest until you all know the kind of humiliation that the kobito race has tasted! |
Reimu |
小人だって!? そんなの居たんだ |
Kobito?! They really exist? |
Shinmyoumaru |
ほらそれよ! 小人はいつも無視されてきたんだわ 貴方達には弱者の気持ちが わからない だから下克上するの! |
Yes, of course! You've always ignored the kobito. None of you understand the feelings of the weak. That's why I'm going to overthrow society! |
Reimu |
弱いって判ってるんなら それが幻想郷の 大体 弱者がどうやって |
If you know you're weak, then you've got to quiet down and behave yourself. That's the law of Gensokyo! And besides, how does someone weak like you expect to win against me? |
Shinmyoumaru |
あはははは やはり強者と弱者は相容れない……か |
Ahahaha. I suppose the strong and weak really are incompatible... |
BGM: 輝く針の小人族 ~ Little Princess |
BGM: Kobito of the Shining Needle ~ Little Princess | |
Shinmyoumaru |
だが私の手には夢幻の力がある それが秘宝『打ち出の |
However, I have the power of dreams here in my hand. This is our treasure, the "Miracle Mallet"! |
Reimu |
打ち出の……小槌だって!? もしかしてその手にあるのは…… |
The Miracle... Mallet?! If you have that, then does that mean... |
Shinmyoumaru |
あわてふためくがいい さあ、 |
You're right to be scared. Now, my treasured mallet! |
Shinmyoumaru Sukuna DEFEATED | ||
If player has continued | ||
Ending no. 8 (Bad Ending) | ||
If player has not continued | ||
Ending no. 2 (Good Ending) |
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