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幺樂団の歴史3 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.3 (Yougakudan no Rekishi) - History of Yougakudan 3 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.3
- 01. 東方封魔録 ~ 浄土曼荼羅 (03:03)
- Record of the Sealing of an Oriental Demon ~ Pure Land Mandala
- 02. 博麗 ~ Eastern Wind (04:05)
- Hakurei ~ Eastern Wind
- 03. She's in a temper!! (02:32)
- 04. End of Daylight (04:14)
- 05. やみのちから (03:03)
- Power of Darkness
- 06. 幻夢界 (04:35)
- World of Empty Dreams
- 07. 死を賭して (02:44)
- Bet on Death
- 08. ひもろぎ、むらさきにもえ (03:04)
- Himorogi, Burn in Violet
- 09. 恋色マジック (02:14)
- Love-coloured Magic
- 10. 東方封魔録 ~ 幽幻乱舞 (03:34)
- Record of the Sealing of an Oriental Demon ~ A Phantom's Boisterous Dance
- 11. Complete Darkness (04:17)
- 12. エキストララブ (3:16)
- Extra Love
- 13. 戦車むすめのみるゆめ (5:04)
- The Tank Girl's Dream
- 14. 遠野の森 (01:33)
- Forest of Tohno
- 15. 昔話わんだーらんど (03:03)
- Legendary Wonderland
- 16. 博麗神社境内 (04:33)
- Hakurei Shrine Grounds
- 17. 陽落ちて (02:54)
- Sunfall
- 18. 封魔終演 (04:01)
- Sealed Demon's Finale
"Yougaku" refers to a type of music that is in danger of disappearing from today's world, FM synthesis.
Many years ago in Gensokyo, there was a band known as the Yougakudan which dearly loved FM synthesis.
Here I shall record the history of the music the Yougakudan has left us that it forever remain in the Gensokyo Chronicle.
Maiden Are the Ninth - Akyu
This is a history of Yougakudan from the collection of Hieda no Akyu.
This third volume is the soundtrack from Story of Eastern Wonderland. This is the first game I ever released at Comiket. I wonder if anyone even remembers me from around that time. I only had thirty copies, after all.
There isn't a lot of difference between the original songs and this release; the saying
"Humans talk a lot, but don't change as much"
Might have something to do with it. Well, who knows.
Team Shanghai Alice
(I love FM, but I won't go back to 16 color graphics.)
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