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В игре можно использовать клавиатуру или геймпад. Управление клавиатурой:Клавиши со стрелками перемещают персонажа.

  • Z выпускает небольшую очередь снарядов; зажмите для непрерывного огня.
  • X активирует бомбу, также известную как Спеллкарта (если у вас достаточный уровень силы)
  • Shift подсвечивает хитбокс, замедляет движение персонажа, и изменяет природу его снарядов и бомб; как правило, это делает атаки более фокусированными
  • Ctrl используется для прокрутки диалогов

Основы геймплея

Subterranean Animism схож с любой другой данмаку-игрой. Персонаж, управляемый человеком пробиваясь сквозь вражеские снаряды и отбиваясь от врагов, в конце уровня сталкивается с сильными главарями. Всего есть 4 уровня сложности: Лёгкий (Easy), Обычный (Normal), Сложный (Hard) и Безумный (Lunatic). Более трудные уровни сложности отличаются более сложными паттернами, а также более высокой скоростью и плотностью пуль; спеллкарты на разных уровнях сложностей также могут немного отличаться.


Персонаж атакует врагов, ведя по ним огонь. В зависимости от выбранного персонажа, тип и поведение выстрелов может варьироваться.

Линия автосбора

Как и в предыдущих играх, есть невидимая линия, почти в самом верху экрана, называемаяpoint of collection (точка подбора). Если пересечь эту линию, все предметы на экране будут притянуты и подобраны. В отличие от некоторых прошлых игр, для этого не нужно накапливать полную силу или нажимать на фокус— POC доступен в любое время.


Как и в Mountain of Faith, у персонажа нет счётчика бомб. Вместо этого, появилась связь между набранным уровнем силы, спутниками и бомбами. Спутники — это предметы, которые находятся возле персонажа, их количество зависит от набранного уровня силы и они ведут огонь по врагам. Чем больше персонаж соберёт очков силы, тем мощнее будут атаки. Значение силы — это дробное число от 0.00 до 4.00 (для пары Мариса/Алиса — от 0.00 до 8.00). Количество «спутников» и, соответственно, количество бомб равно целой части от значения силы, то есть если текущее значение силы равно 3.45, то у вас будет три спутника, и, соответственно, три бомбы. Спутники меняют своё расположение в зависимости от того, находитесь вы в сфокусированном состоянии или нет. Одна бомба отнимает значение силы, равное 1.00. Если значение силы меньше, чем 1.00, то бомб нет. Каждый раз, когда вы используете бомбу, вы теряете один «спутник».


Игра начинается с тремя жизнями. Жизни могут быть утеряны при столкновении с вражескими пулями/персонажами. Хитбокс персонажа имеет размер примерно 5*5 пикселей. При нажатии на Shift, хитбокс будет подсвечен. Если хитбокс вашего персонажа сталкивается с хитбоксом врага/пули/лазера, то вы теряете одну жизнь. Количество жизней отображено количеством звёздочек. Если вы смогли пройти нон-спелл или спеллкарту босса и не умереть, то босс обронит маленькую звёздочку, дающую 1/5 жизни; соответственно, пять таких звёздочек дадут целую жизнь. Если вы умерли во время нон-спелла или спеллкарты босса, или же время нон-спелла или спеллкарты вышло, то босс не обронит данный бонус.


В полной версии игры есть шесть уровней и один экстра-уровень.

  1. Stage 1:「忘恩の地から吹く風」 The Wind Blowing From the Thankless Land
  2. Stage 2:「地上と過去を結ぶ深道」 The Deep Road Connecting the Past and the Above Ground World
  3. Stage 3:「忘れられた雪の旧都」 The Snowy Forgotten Ancient City
  4. Stage 4:「誰からも好かれない恐怖の目」 Those Terrifying Eyes Nobody Loves
  5. Stage 5:「昔時の業火」 Hell Fire of Times Past
  6. Stage 6:「荒々しい二つ目の太陽」 The Tempestuous Second Sun
  7. Extra Stage: 「地獄のラブリービジター」 The Lovely Visitor From Hell

Битвы с боссами

В них основная сложность и главное удовольствие. Каждый босс имеет в запасе несколько жизней, которые показаны как полоски жизни (health bars) в верхней части экрана. Боссы обычно переключаются между обычными атаками и использованиемспеллкарт, переключение происходит после уничтожения каждой секции на полоске жизни. Окрашенные секции соответствуют использованию Спелл-карт, белые — обычным атакам. Normal attacks are incrementally stronger versions of the boss character’s basic attack. Spell Card attacks bedazzle the player with combinations of complex patterns that often involve the use of projectiles and obstacles crafted especially for use with that Spell Card. If the player manages to defeat a Spell Card attack without getting hit or using any bombs, a substantial score bonus is rewarded for the feat. Each attack is accompanied by a timer. When time runs out, the boss will switch to their next attack pattern even if their health bar isn’t empty. Waiting for a boss character’s attack pattern to self-destruct may be enough to beat them, but mere survival won’t earn the player any score bonuses. (Note: There are some bosses that are invulnerable. For those bosses, you WILL get a score bonus if you survive the countdown to zero.) When fighting a boss, a position marker shows up on the bottom margin of the screen, indicating where the boss is on the horizontal axis. Since your target can be completely obscured by bullets or darkness at times, use this marker to help you aim your shots. The marker will dim when the boss is being hit, and will flash red when her health bar gets sufficiently depleted.

Character Statistics

There are two characters to choose from, each of which have three styles of attack. The player decides which character to play and which attack type to use at the start of the game.

Reimu Hakurei

楽園の巫女 (The Shrine Maiden of Paradise)

Reimu type A
八雲 紫 (前方集中装備)- Yukari Yakumo (Forward Concentration Type)
Option: ローリングオプション (Rolling Option)
Shot: 「頂門紫針」 (Purple Needles of Painful Reproach)
A violet-colored needle that flies straight forward.
Long-distance Spirit Attack: 「非常識の裏側」 (The Opposite of a Lack of Common Sense)
All points except for graze points are temporarily lost.
Support Skills:
Your option’s shots wrap around from one side of the screen to the other.
You can teleport from one side of the screen to the other. (Press the arrow key twice when at the end of the screen without firing.) :;Reimu type B
伊吹 萃香(貫通誘導型) — Suika Ibuki (Guided Penetration Type)
Option: 左右配置オプション (Left-Right Formation Option)
Shot: 「鬼神燐火術」 (Fierce God’s Will-o'-the-wisp Technique)
High-power penetrating bullets that home a little.
Long-distance Spirit Attack: 「萃霊花」 (Foregathering Spiritual Flowers)
All enemy bullets that hit the area turn into homing bullets and attack enemies.
Support Skills:
Collect all items on screen (release all buttons).
Reimu type C
;射命丸 文(移動特化型) — Aya Shameimaru (High Mobility Type)
Option: 方向指定オプション (Selected Position Option)
Fires in the same and opposite direction of your movement.
Option position is fixed while in focus movement.
Shot: 「深山雨」(Rain Deep in the Mountains)
Long-distance Spirit Attack: 「鴉の闇」 (Darkness of the Crow)
Attacks everything around you for a fixed period of time.
Support Skills:
You can move at very high speed (release the shot button).

Marisa Kirisame

普通の魔法使い (The Ordinary Magician)

Marisa type A
アリス・マーガトロイド(支援強化型) — Alice Margatroid (Reinforcement Type)
Option: 人形オプション (Doll Option)
Concentrated during normal movement, spread-shot during focus fire.
Shot: 「レインボーワイヤー」 (Rainbow Wire)
A super-low-speed shot.::Long-distance Spirit Attack: 「リモートサクリファイス」 (Remote Sacrifice)
Sacrifices a doll to fire a super high-power laser.
Support Skills:
You can make up to 8 options.
You can stock up to 8 bombs.
Marisa type B
;パチュリー・ノーレッジ(配置変化型) — Patchouli Knowledge (Changing Formation Type)
火符 前方集中配置 (Fire Sign — Forward Concentrated Formation)
水符 前方広範囲配置 (Water Sign — Forward Wide-spread Formation
木符 斜め攻撃配置 (Wood Sign — Oblique Angle Formation)
金符 左右攻撃配置 (Metal Sign — Left/Right Attack Formation)
土符 後方攻撃配置 (Earth Sign — Rear Attack Formation)
Shot: 「エブリアングルショット」 (Every Angle Shot)
Long-distance Spirit Attack: 「ファイブシーズン」 (Five Seasons)
Support Skills:
You can change your options' attack formation (press shot and focus fire simultaneously).
Marisa type C
河城 にとり(防御重視型) — Nitori Kawashiro (Defense-oriented Type)
Option: 後方配置 (Rear Formation)
Shot: 「空中魚雷」 (Air Torpedo)
Fires a strong, high-precision missile.
Long-distance Spirit Attack: 「オプティカルカモフラージュ」 (Optical Camouflage)
Puts up a barrier for a fixed time.
If you get hit while the barrier is up, all bullets on screen will disappear.
If you don’t get hit before the barrier disappears, some power will be restored.
Support Skills:
If you use a bomb, your power will be 50 % restored if you don’t get hit.

Screen Layout

Screen Layout
  1. Your character
  2. Player Score
    • High Score: your highest score for the current character, type, and difficulty
    • Score: your current score
  3. The number of remaining lives / The approximate location of the POC
    • Power: your shot power level, maxing out at 4.00 (8.00 for MarisaA)
    • Graze: the number of enemy shots that have grazed your hitbox during the game#Enemy Status
    • Left bar(s): the number of health bars the enemy has left. White bars indicate the boss will use regular attacks, red bars indicate the boss will use a spell card.
    • Right number: the amount of time left before the enemy’s attack spell fails (self-destructs)
  4. Communication gauge
  5. Spell Card Status
    • Title: the name of the Spell Card being used#*Bonus: the constantly-updating value of the Spell Card Bonus
    • History: the number of times you have «collected» the Spell Card currently being used, and the number of times you have faced it.

Unlockable Features

  • Level Practice: This feature allows a team to practice a level that they have already beaten. You begin with 9 lives and full power. If you lose all your lives, you can’t continue.
  • Extra Stage: By beating the game on Normal difficulty or higher with a team, the Extra Stage is unlocked for said team.



Any damage you deal to any enemy, whether it be caused by your shots or your bombs, will cause your score to increase very slightly. Actually destroying enemies will award you slightly more points, but the points earned from this are around the range of hundreds to thousands of points per enemy. This is not a significant amount at all. However, destroyed enemies release items for you to collect, and those are very important for scoring as covered below.

Point Items

As its name implies, point items are the major source of points in the game. Unlike previous Touhou games they are worth more points not depending on how high you are on the screen, but depending on how high your Communications Gauge is. The higher the Communications Gauge, the more points they are worth, up to a defined maximum. You can easily tell when you are collecting point items for their maximum value, since they show the value in yellow text. Overall point item value is calculated by a base value shown in the lower-left corner multiplied by a second value shown to the right of the first. The first one is limited and starts at a fixed value. It is increased by collecting special point items (100 for large, and 10 for small special point items), but is reset to its starting value upon death. If no losses have occured, the game stops the counter after a certain value has been reached. The second value (shown to the right) acts as a multiplier for the first, starting from 0.00. When it is at 0.00, the point items are not worth 0 but a minimum of 10 points. The multiplier can be increased both temporary and permanently (see below) by grazing large amounts of bullets.

Easy 25,000 50,000
Normal 50,000 100,000
Hard 100,000 200,000
Lunatic 200,000 400,000
Extra 200,000 400,000

Power Items

Power items increase your power gauge. Small items give you a 0.05 power boost(or 0.083 for Marisa/Alice), while large items give you a 1.0 power boost. The maximum value is 4.0 (or 8.0 for Marisa/Alice). If you’re already at full power, you will instead get small special point items.

Special Point Items

Special point items are the green star point items. (They look the same as Mountain of Faith’s Faith Point items.) They slightly increase the value of point items.

Communication Gauge

The gauge in the lower-left corner reflects the strength of the communication channel between the player character and the youkai assisting them from above ground. It has a variable value of 0.00 minimum and 1.00 maximum which is added to the 2nd value (the multiplier) in the point item value, thus providing a range of point items' worth depending on how the player collects them. It increases when you graze bullets; the faster you do it, the easier it is to max out the gauge. However, like the Faith gauge in Mountain of Faith, it decreases relatively fast over time if you let it, so you need to graze a lot of bullets in a small timeframe if you want to see a significant increase. At maximum value it has the effect of autocollecting items wherever your character is on the screen. Once you hit the maximum value, it is relatively easy to keep it up by grazing no more than three bullets per second. Keep this in mind, because certain parts of the game (for instance, the first half of stage 5 and the second half of stage 2) have long stretches without conveniently graze-able bullet patterns aimed at the character, making it very hard to build up a new chain without having to go over the POC or undergoing other avoidable risks.

Graze Counter

This counter, making a return from the Touhou games before Mountain of Faith, counts how many bullets have come dangerously close to your hitbox. Starting at 0, it affects the 2nd value (multiplier) in the point item value, increasing it by 0.01 per 100 points of graze. This accumulation is permanent, unlike with the base value. The communication gauge effects still apply regardless of the accumulated graze points: it is always possible to increase the multiplier further by 1.00 by grazing bullets, and you don’t receive free autocollection by grazing 10,000 bullets (thus reaching a minimum of 1.00).

Spell Card Bonus

Occasionally, a boss will attack using a Spell Card. You will know this is happening when the background changes and the Spell Card’s name appears in the upper right corner of the screen. If the boss’s healthbar is depleted within the time limit and without getting hit or using a bomb, the Spell Card bonus will be added to your score. The bonus starts at out at a value equal to: 1 million * (stage number + difficulty value)with difficulty value being:

Easy 0
Normal - align="center" Hard - align="center" Lunatic 3

Bonuses in Extra have a starting value of 11,000,000. Except for a few of Koishi Komeiji's Spell Cards (the survival cards and Subconscious «Rorschach in Danmaku»), the bonus decreases over time, starting 5 seconds after the spell card starts. The bonus decreases at a constant rate of: 0.9*(starting value)/(time limit in seconds — 5) per second

Clear Bonus

A clear bonus is added to the score at the end of each stage. The bonus is based on the stage number and the lives remaining at the end of that stage regardless of the difficulty, it calculated as follows:
(1 million * stage number) + (1 million * lives in stock) For both stage 6 and the extra stage the clear bonus is increases by: Easy: (lives in stock * 20 Million) + (Power * 2 Million) Normal: (lives in stock * 25 Million) + (Power * 3 Million) Hard: (lives in stock * 35 Million) + (Power * 4 Million) Lunatic: (lives in stock * 40 Million) + (Power * 6 Million) Extra: (lives in stock * 40 Million) + (Power * 8 Million) For Marisa A you have to divide power by 2. You also receive a silent bonus: (1,000 * accumulated point value). ----Шаблон:Navbox SA
