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Mountain of Faith
Гора Веры

Mountain of Faith
Разработчик Team Shanghai Alice
Издатель Team Shanghai Alice
Дата выпуска Триал (Версия 0.01a): 20 мая 2007

Триал (Версия 0.02a) : 26 июля 2007

Полная: 17 августа 2007

Жанр Вертикальный данмаку-шутер
Режим игры Одиночная игра Стори-мод
Платформы Windows 2000/XP
Системные требования Pentium 1GHz, 413MB hard disk, Direct3D, DirectX 9, 32MB VRAM, DirectSound, 128MB RAM

Mountain of Faith (東方風神録, romanized Touhou Fuujinroku, meaning Wind God Chronicles) - десятая официальная игра из серии Touhou.

Как и все синтоистские храмы, обветшалый Хакурейский храм в Генсокё был первоначально создан, как место обитания и поклонения покровительствующему божеству. Однако, из-за того, что разномастные ёкаи, как известно, слоняются вокруг храма, местные жители прекратили посещать его, и их вера в бога Хакурейского храма истощается, уменьшая его силу и влияние. Рейму Хакурей и Мариса Кирисаме отправляются в путешествие на таинственную Ёкайскую гору в поисках решения этой проблемы.


Main article: Mountain of Faith: Gameplay

В Mountain of Faith представлены два играбельных персонажа, у каждого по три вида атак, но нет персональных спеллкарт (бомб). В отличие от предыдущих игр серии, сбор силовых бонусов приводит к увеличению числа дополнительных "спутников" (максимальное количество - 4), стреляющих вместе с игроком; они различны для обоих персонажей и для каждого типа стрельбы. "Спутники" каждого персонажа не только стреляют, но ещё меняют позицию или замирают на месте в режиме фокусировки.

Система подсчёта очков базируется на системе Веры, которая имеет восполняемую шкалу и числовое значение (минимум 50,000). Пока шкала частично заполнена числовое значение Веры не уменьшается, но шкала постоянно опустевает, если игрок не убивает противников или не собирает бонусы очков. Бонусы очков также частично восполняют шкалу, а Бонусы веры увеличивают числовое значение Веры. От количества Веры напрямую зависит количество очков, получаемое за синие бонусы и за взятие спеллкарт.


Main article: Mountain of Faith: Translation (includes the translated script)

Autumn has come to Gensokyo, and to its only shrine, the Hakurei Shrine, a common meeting place for its youkai that was seldom visited by its humans. As a result, faith in the Hakurei Shrine's deity began to fall like the leaves from the trees. It's in such a season that Reimu Hakurei, the shrine maiden of the Hakurei shrine, is visited by a mysterious stranger who claims to represent a god of mountains and orders her to shut the shrine's doors for good. Reimu is deeply troubled by this state of affairs, as she knows the shrine can't be allowed to close down due to the role it plays in watching over the Great Hakurei Border. Marisa Kirisame, her ordinary magician friend, is suspicious and also suitably bored. Depending on who you choose, one of these girls finally decides to ascend the Youkai Mountain to confront the mysterious deity behind the threats.

En route to the mountain, the heroine encounters several of Gensokyo's myriad gods, including two spirits of autumn, Shizuha Aki and Minoriko Aki, and a curse god, Hina Kagiyama, who tries to chase her away from the dangers of the mountain (unsuccessfully). As our heroine reaches the foot of the mountain and begins to climb it, another youkai appears to try to convince her to leave - Nitori Kawashiro, the valley kappa. After Nitori's equally unsuccessful bid to get her to go away, she mentions that a god has recently appeared on the mountain, causing some trouble for the tengu and kappa that live there.

Ascending the waterfall that fed the rivers Nitori swam in, the heroine faces the forces that guard the mountain from outside influence, including Momizi Inubashiri and the traditional tengu reporter, Aya Shameimaru, who was sent to investigate by the leaders of the tengu society due to her familiarity with outsiders. Aya puts up a token fight, but eventually allows the human interloper to pass on to the lake where a new shrine, the Moriya Shrine, has appeared. As she enters the grounds, she is confronted by a new shrine maiden - Sanae Kotiya. Sanae says that the lake and the Moriya Shrine were both recently moved to Gensokyo, and that she intends to collect all of Gensokyo's faith for "Lady Yasaka". Naturally, to do that would mean the end of the Hakurei Shrine, to which our heroine objects, leading to a battle where Sanae is ultimately defeated. At the top of the mountain, our heroine finds a lake surrounded by pillars, and Kanako Yasaka. Kanako, a goddess of the wind and rain, seeks to gain all of Gensokyo's faith in order to prevent the declining level of faith in Gensokyo to reach the point where its gods lose their power. Were such a thing to happen, she believes, Gensokyo would fall into a state of chaos. After a protracted battle, however, Kanako is convinced to make peace with the tengu and kappa, who are also convinced to accept her as the goddess of the Youkai Mountain.

Once the issue is resolved, Reimu resumes her normal life of cleaning and whiling away the time with Gensokyo's youkai, and Marisa turns to sneaking into the mountain for chestnuts. While pilfering snacks from a monstrous chestnut tree, it seems she'd heard a rumour that there was another god at the Moriya shrine. This, and the observation that Kanako had taken residence at the lake, and not at the shrine, the two set out for the mountain again. Kanako attempts to chase them off, but they eventually reach the inner sanctuary and discover Suwako Moriya, the shrine's true god, who tells them that Kanako defeated her in battle long ago, thereby winning use of the shrine in the public eye, though it was mostly left as Suwako's demesne - though it was by Kanako's hand that the Moriya shrine moved to Gensokyo. As our heroines make ready to leave, Suwako demands they play with her, just like they've played with Sanae and Kanako - with beautiful danmaku barrages.

Дополнительная информация

  • Mountain of Faith: Персонажи
  • Mountain of Faith: Стратегия
  • Mountain of Faith: Спелл-карты
  • Mountain of Faith: Музыка
  • Mountain of Faith: Разное
  • Mountain of Faith: Переводится (Вообще, диалоги на английском, осталось найти программиста, который сумеет впихнуть перевод в патч, и спец по созданию английского шрифта в стиле игры.)

