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第百十九季 葉月の三 |
3rd of the Leaf Month (August), Season 119 | |
妖怪が行う動物虐待の実態 |
Youkai Practices Animal Abuse | |
牧歌的な幻想郷を襲う、静かな恐怖 |
The silent terror that assaults our pastoral Gensokyo | |
○月○日26時頃、突然狐の悲鳴に近い鳴き声が聞こえた。 |
O Month O Day, at around 26 o'clock, I suddenly heard a cry similar to that of a fox's. | |
只ならぬ様子だったので眠い目を擦り現場に向かった。 |
It did not seem like a trifling matter, so I rubbed my sleepy eyes and headed for the scene. | |
するとそこで一匹の狐が一人の妖怪の尻に敷かれているという、衝撃の動物虐待の現場を偶然目撃してしまった。 |
When I arrived, I saw in front of me a fox being dominated, a truly shocking view of animal abuse. | |
私も烏天狗と言う身の為、非常に心が痛む事件である。 |
As I am a crow tengu, this case is extremely heart-wrenching. | |
動物虐待の犯人は、八雲紫(妖怪)。 |
The offender of this animal abuse is Yukari Yakumo (Youkai). | |
他に類を見ない一人一種族で、出所不明、神出鬼没、正体不明の妖怪である。 |
She's a one-of-a-kind type of youkai whose residence is unknown; she unexpectly appears and disappears, and her being itself is a mystery. | |
いつも派手な服装と気持ちの悪い笑顔の為、会う度に少し圧倒されてしまう。 |
She always wears flashy clothes and an eerie smile, so everytime I meet her I'm a little overwhelmed. | |
犯人は動物虐待の事実についてこう述べている。 |
The offender had this to say regarding her animal abuse: | |
「動物虐待? あら、私がいつそんなことしたのかしら? あぁ、この藍の事ね。これは虐待じゃなくてちょっと勉強させただけよ。それに藍は狐に見えるけど式神よ。動物じゃないわ」 |
"Animal abuse? My, when did I ever do such a thing? Aah, you mean this Ran here. This isn't abuse, just a little disciplining. Besides, Ran may look like a fox but she's a shikigami. She's not an animal." | |
犯人の言葉は支離滅裂であり、常人には理解しがたい内容であったため私の方で理解できるように解釈した。 |
Since the offender's words are completely illogical nonsense which any normal person would not easily comprehend, I've taken the liberty of interpreting it such a way that will make things clearer. | |
犯人の言い分は以下の通りである。 |
The offender's phrases can be explained as followed. | |
虐められていた藍と呼ばれた狐は、動物ではなく式神である。 |
Ran, the fox that was being abused, is not an animal at all but a shikigami. | |
式神は動物ではなくあくまでも道具であり、道具は良く使い込むほど愛があるのだと言う。 |
Shikigami are not animals, but rather merely tools, and the more one uses tools the more love there is. | |
だから良く使ってあげているのだと。 |
That is why she uses her frequently. | |
ただ愛でているだけではそれは本当の愛では無い、これは愛の形だと言い自分の傘で狐の頭をバンバン叩いていた。 |
She says that just loving is not enough, that this is another form of love as she smacks the fox's head with her parasol. | |
「いい? 式神はあくまで決められた事だけを行えば良いの。今日の貴方は勝手に人間と戦ったでしょう? 私はそんなこと命令したかしら。貴方は目の前で如何なる事が起ころうとも、どのような危険が身に迫ろうとも、私の言った通りに動けばいいの。それが一番貴方の為になるのだから」 |
"Listen. Shikigami need only to do as they are ordered. Today, you went ahead and fought with humans, didn't you? I do not recall ordering that. No matter what happens before your eyes, even before any danger that may approach you, you are only to do as I say. That's what's best for you." | |
犯人は尚も理不尽な事を述べ、虐待を正当化させようとしていた。 |
The offender continues with her irrational claims, and was attempting to justify her abuse. | |
私も半分動物の身であるが故、この事件をこれからも追求していこうと思う。 |
As I am half animal, I intend to further pursue this. | |
(射命丸文) |
Yukari |
ふーん。で? |
I see. And? |
Aya |
動物の虐待は許しませんよ |
I will not forgive animal abuse. |
Yukari |
畜生の虐待なんてしてないわ。それに貴方はこの記事を書いたのでしょう? なら理解しているはずじゃないの |
I'm not abusing any beast. Besides, you're the one that wrote this, no? Then you should fully understand. |
Aya |
貴方の言っていることは良く判りません。私が目撃した行為は虐待以外の何物でもありませんでした |
I do not understand what you are saying. What I witnessed was nothing other than animal abuse. |
Yukari |
物事を一面からしか見られないってのはね、想像力と分析力の欠如を意味するの。それでは目の前に答があっても本質は見抜けやしない。答の裏側しか見えないから。実際貴方、良く記者が務まってるわね |
Viewing things from only one point of view shows that you lack imagination and analysis skills. Even if the answer is in front of your eyes then, you'll be blind to it. That's because you can only see the back side of the answer. In reality, you're doing pretty well as a reporter. |
Aya |
貴方の言っていることが判らなくても、真実は見れば判ります。私は真実を伝えるだけですから |
Even if I do not understand what you are saying, if I look at the truth I will. That is because my job is to tell only the truth. |
Yukari |
見えても節穴じゃ真実なんて判らない。それじゃ新聞も半端なままよ |
Even if you can see, with holes for eyes you won't be able to look at any truth. Your newspaper is going to stay shoddy that way. |
Aya |
『文々。新聞』は中途半端などではありません! |
"Bunbunmaru Newspaper" is not anything near shoddy! |
Yukari |
それはともかく、藍の名誉の為にもう一度説明してあげるとね、あれは虐待じゃなくて教育。藍は式神なんだから、私の決めたとおりに動かないとその力が十分に発揮できないの。それなのに勝手に命令を無視して人間と戦ったりしたのよ? だから叱っていたの |
At any rate, I'll explain once again for the sake of Ran's honour. That isn't abuse, it's discipline. Ran is a shikigami, so if she doesn't do exactly as I say she can't make use of her full strength. Even so, she ignored orders and went off and fought with humans. So I scolded her. |
Aya |
……戦わないと危険だったんじゃないのですか? |
...Wouldn't she be in danger if she didn't fight? |
Yukari |
ううん。戦ったから危険なのよ。判る? 藍は狐じゃなくて式神なのよ |
Not at all. The only danger is from fighting. Do you understand? Ran is not a fox, but a shikigami. |
Aya |
そこが判らないのです。一体、何が違うというのですか |
That is what I do not understand. Exactly how are they different? |
Yukari |
式神は私の決めた通りに動くことで私並の力を出すことが出来るのよ。だから私の命令だけを遂行していれば、絶対に負けることは無いの。勝手なことをされると、その力は比較にならないほど弱まってしまう。そんな状態で戦うのは馬鹿としかいいようがない |
By following my will, shikigami can achieve power equal to my level. Therefore, if she properly follows my orders, it would be impossible for her to lose. If she takes selfish actions, her power will be weakened to something that can't even be compared to mine. Fighting in that state is nothing other than foolish. |
Aya |
それでも勝てると踏んだから戦ったのでは? |
What if she was sure she could win like that? |
Yukari |
より確実に勝てる手があるっていうのにわざわざ危険な手を使うと? それじゃ藍が危ないじゃないの。だから少し厳しく教えてやらないと、藍の為にならないじゃない |
With a more definite method of victory on hand, what need is there to choose a hazardous one? That would only end up with Ran in danger. That's why unless I teach her with slightly stricter means, it won't help Ran at all. |
Aya |
…… |
...... |
Yukari |
それに時々、藍も自分が式神だってことを忘れてるような気がするわ。でもそれはとても危険なこと。自分の本質を把握していなければ、力は容易に明後日の方向に向いてしまう。寝てる間はほったらかしだから無理も無いけど。流石に誰が主人なのかは忘れるような事はないみたいだけど |
And besides, Ran occasionally forgets that she's a shikigami. But that is an extremely dangerous thing. If she does not grasp her true nature, her power will easily veer of course. I did leave her alone while I was sleeping so that can't be helped. But at the very least, it seems like she definitely won't forget who is her master. |
Aya |
それって結局、虐待に怯えてるだけなんじゃないですか? |
Essentially, isn't she just afraid of the abuse? |
Yukari |
実力の差よ。あと人徳 |
Difference in power. Also, virtue. |
Aya |
そんな自分に都合の良いことばっかり言っても騙されませんよ |
I will not be fooled by your selfish convenient explanations. |
Yukari |
理解力も無いのね |
You really can't grasp things. |
Aya |
義憤に燃えているだけです。いかな理由があれど虐待など許せマン |
I am only burning in righteous anger. Whatever reason you may have, I cannot overlook abuse. |
Yukari |
あらあら、貴方も可愛いわね |
My, my, you're quite the cute one. |
Aya |
な、何を |
Wh, what are you--- |
Yukari |
理解できないなら、貴方も試してみる? 私の式神になって。そうすれば貴方も理解できると思うわ |
If you can't understand, want to give it a shot? Become my shikigami. If you do, I think you'll be able to understand. |
Aya |
動物虐待反対! |
I am against animal abuse! |
八雲紫 (やくも ゆかり) |
Yukari Yakumo |
古くから幻想郷に住む妖怪で、境界を操る能力を持つ。 |
A youkai living in Gensoukyou from old, and possesses the ability to control boundaries. |
幽々子とは旧知の仲で、用事を頼まれることも。 |
The old friend of Yuyuko, and she is sometimes asked to have some business for her. |
昼間は寝てばかりいるが、強大な力の持ち主。 |
Is Usually sleeping in a day, but has an enormous might. |
Appearances: Perfect Cherry Blossom, Immaterial and Missing Power, Imperishable Night |