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Iku Nagae


永江 衣玖(ながえ いく)

Iku Nagae
Ику Нагаэ
Ику Нагэ


Ёкай (oarfish)


Может предсказывать погоду(атмосферу?)




Посланник из дворца Дракона

Место жительства:

Облака над Генсокё


  • Red eyes and short violet blue hair. Wears a white and red shirt, a long black skirt, and a hat with a red bow and two long ribbons extending out. Has a white and red shawl entwined along her arms and blouse. Both the shawl and the shirt glows in scarlet color.
  • (Touhou 10.5, alternate outfit) She has light green eyes with gray hair, and her dress is mostly maroon.

Взаимоотношения с иными персонажами:


Ику Нагае - посланница из Дворца Дракона, чьей работой было наблюдать ежедневное состояние атмосферы. She had (somewhat) questioned why humans and youkai fight/duel as a part of their daily life. During the events of Scarlet Weather Rhapsody she finds out that a strong earthquake is going to occur in Gensokyo, so she decided to warn the residents. Afterwards, Yukari tells her that the culprit is hiding in the Hakurei Shrine. She then goes back to the shrine and finds Tenshi, who just entered a keystone to prevent the earthquake. Iku questions this and thinks of Tenshi as having been "spolied a bit too much", so she decided to punish her.

Fun Facts

  • Iku's spellcard declaration pose and some alternate special move poses closely resemble John Travolta's dancing pose from the disco movie "Saturday Night Fever", which many dojin work make fun of by linking her to disco dancing. It also somewhat resembles (although less than the previous example) Forte's lightning attack pose from the game Rockman and Forte.
  • "Ику" так же может означать и японский непереходный глагол (行く) означающий "идти", но фонетическая версия (いく or イク) больше известна как фраза выкрикиваемая девушками когда... в ключевых моментах хентайных аниме. Сразу же это вызвало появление шуток на тему секса. Как пример, её имя можно "перевести" на русский как "Кончита".
  • Iku's dress resembles that of a Spanish Flamenco dancer, and her movements and poses look a bit like dancing. However, her profile states that it's a special dress, granting the owner the ability to fly.
  • Её профайл сообщает что она Ёкай Рыба-Ремень. На японском, рыба-ремень произносится как "Рюу-гу-но-тсукаи" (リュウグウノツカイ или 竜宮の使い используя кандзи), что буквально означает "посланник Дворца Драконаs". Здесь дракон, является богом воды. Её платок (и вероятно длинные ленты на шляпе) напоминает форму рыбы-ремня, которая особенна своим длинным телом и красными плавниками.
  • Her character may be a homage to Rose, a fortune teller from Street Fighter series. Both heavily rely on premonitions for their occupations and sense an approaching "Doomsday" at hand. Iku and Rose also make extensive use of their shawls in combat by lashing out with extreme range, using drill-bit formations around their arms, and even reflecting projectiles.
  • Iku is one of the only two penultimate bosses in a Windows game (and only three in the Touhou series as a whole, not counting Highly Responsive to Prayers) who is not a servant or assistant to the final boss. The other is Rin Kaenbyou.

Official Profiles

Scarlet Weather Rhapsody - おまけ.txt

Iku Nagae

  永江 衣玖(ながえ いく)











Beautiful Scarlet Cloth
Iku Nagae

Species: Youkai (Oarfish)

A youkai that lives in somewhere between world of dragon and world of human.

Sometimes human finds a trace or dead bodies of her kind, but very rarely they do show their living form to humans. It is said that they can understand dragon's words, and only the important words are relayed to human and youkai.

Edge of their very long clothes glows in scarlet color, which is unearthy beauty at sight. Rumor says that if a human wears this clothing, the person can fly in the sky.

Location: Inside clouds

She spends most of her time swiming through clouds. Particularly doing nothing, she observes the dragon god as she swims elegantly through clouds. Thus she causes almost no harm to human.

Ability: Able to read the atmosphere

She can read the mood of a place, and fit into there right away. She does not try to break the mood unless there's very strong reason.
Flexibility is stronger than stiffness. When necessary, she completely vanishes herself and parries any attacks.

Personality: Never tries to be a lead role. Lazy.

She's always laid-back and has no interest in other person's behavior. She almost never insists from her own, and usually just watches over what other's have to do.
