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Música de título: Sacred Lot

Fase 1-4/Jigoku 16-19: Eternal Shrine Maiden

Tema de Shingyoku: The Positive and Negative

Makai 6-9: The Highly Responsive to Prayers

Jigoku 6-9: Strange Oriental Discourse

Tema de Yuugen Magan/ Mima: Angel's Legend

Makai 11-14: Oriental Magician

Jigoku 11-14: Blade of Banishment

Tema de Elis/ Kikuri: Magic Mirror

Makai 16-19: The Legend of KAGE

Tema de Sariel: Now, Until the Moment You Die

Segundo tema de Sariel: Civilization of Magic

Tema de Konngara: Swordsman of a Distant Star

Final: Iris
