名前: |
洩矢 諏訪子(もりや すわこ) Suwako Moriya | |
Alternate spellings: |
Suwako Moriya | |
種族: |
妖怪の山の女神 | |
能力: |
坤を創造する程度の能力 | |
年齢: |
Unknown, but one of the oldest; she at least far predates the invasion by the Yamato, or Kanako | |
職業: |
守矢神社の神 | |
住んでいるところ: |
人相: |
大きな白いそでと白い襟。短い簡素な紫のドレスを着ている。ブロンドの髪、頭には2つのカエルのような形をしたライトブラウンの広縁の帽子をかぶっている。 | |
人物関係: |
出演作品: |
| |
テーマ曲: |
ネイティブフェイス(♪) |
東方風神録 〜 Mountain of Faith.のExtraボス。
In Subterranean Animism, Suwako appeared in Reimu and Yukari's Scenario revealing an industrial revolution project by Kanako that caused Reimu to get mad for being sent to the Hell of Blazing Fires.
Fun Facts[]
- Suwako is one of two Extra Stage bosses that is not visibly agitated when she is defeated. Perhaps the mere presence of company is enough to keep her happy. Koishi is the other one. Interestingly enough, they both show up at the same time in SA's extra ending.
- Among the Touhou fandom, Suwako's hat has almost become an entity of its own, largely thanks to the imposing leer of the eyes on top. The specifics vary, but often the bottom of the hat is treated like a gaping mouth, making the hat like some sort of alien parasite chewing on Suwako's brain.
- Suwako is heavily symbolized as a frog. Cirno freezes frogs. The results in fanon are obvious. The frog jokes include relationships with Super Mario Bros. 3 and the Hypnotoad.
- Apparently, Suwako is actually named after the biggest lake in Nagano prefecture. The area also features one of the world's largest geysers.
- Suwako's family name is probably derived from Moreyashin (洩矢神, the god Moriya), who is said to be the first ancestor of Sanae Moriya(守屋早苗), the real person who inspired Sanae Kochiya. ("Moreya" is an archaic, alternate pronunciation of "Moriya".)
- The fact that she is Sanae's ancestor makes her the only confirmed non-virgin named character in the entire Touhou series. (However, virgin birth is a common mythological premise, so this isn't really truly 100% confirmed.) Also see SSiB 19 for Yukari and Ran's impurity.
- So far in the Windows games, Suwako is the first Extra Stage boss to appear outside a fight, and the third not to appear as the enemy; the first was Yukari Yakumo, and the second was Ran Yakumo.
Mountain of Faith - キャラ設定.txt[]
○エキストラボス 土着神の頂点 洩矢 諏訪子(もりや すわこ) Moriya Suwako
ていた神だった。 ミシャグジ様とは、生誕、農作、軍事、様々な事柄の祟り神であり、 蔑ろにするとたちどころに神罰が下るという恐怖の神様である。 その神様をコントロールできたのが諏訪子だけであった。 その為、彼女への信仰心は凄まじく、当時は神であると同時に一国の 王として王国を築いていた。
王国を訪れた大和の神とは、神奈子であった。 大和の神々は、小さな王国を次々と自分の物にしていった。最終的に 全ての国を統一し、日本という一つの国にするつもりであると言った。
勿論、諏訪子は抵抗し当時最先端であった鉄製の武器を持って戦った。 しかし、神奈子は細い植物の蔓をかざすと、諏訪子が持っていた大量 の鉄の輪は、たちまち錆びてボロボロになってしまった。その神力の 差に敗北を確信した諏訪子は、潔く降参し王国を明け渡した。
しかし、洩矢の王国の人間は、土着の神であったミシャグジ様の恐怖 を忘れることが出来ず、新しい神様を受け入れようとしなかった。
は諦めた。代わりに新しい神様を呼び洩矢の神と融合させて、その神 様を王国の中では『守矢(もりや)』、外では別の呼び名で呼び分け る事にした。これにより王国を支配しているように見せたのだ。 守矢とは勿論、洩矢の事である。そして神奈子は、諏訪子の力を借り て自ら山の神様としてこっそり君臨する事になった。
この王国を支配したと言われる新しい神様とは、大和の神話の名目を 保たせる為の名前だけの神であった。実際は、諏訪子が引き続き王国 を支配していたのである。現在外の世界の神様は殆どが大和神話に置 き換わったというのに、彼女は未だ古代の姿のままひっそりと信仰を 得ていた。
びとして楽しむ事にした。何故、勝手に王国を捨て、幻想郷にやって きた神奈子と揉めなかったのかというと、もう外の世界には未練が無 かったからである。自分の名前を知っている人間は殆ど居なかった。
が実は、諏訪子の遠い子孫だからである。 にもかかわらず、早苗は何故自分の神社に二人の神様がいるのかです らよく判っていないという有様だ。
幻想郷で第二の人生を送る事が出来そうで、実際は神奈子に感謝して いる。
さて、神奈子は風の神でありながら、何故蛇を模したしめ縄をトレー ドマークにしたのだろうか?
そして、もう一つは……。 諏訪子に勝った事をさり気なくアピールする為だった。
諏訪子は蛙の姿をした神であり、そして蛇は蛙を食べる動物だからで ある。 新しい王国の神事にも、蛙を生け贄にする事などを盛り込み、人間に 『この王国は蛙に代わって蛇が支配した』とアピールし続けた。
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Extra Boss The Epitome of Native Gods Species: God The true god of the Shrine of Moriya(守矢). She is the God of Mountains, and was once the leader of the many gods that lived in the Mountains. During ancient times, she was a god in control of "Mishaguji". Mishaguji were curse gods who had obtained enormous amounts of faith, cursing birth, harvest, military, and many other things. Making light of these fearsome gods would lead to divine punishment. The only one able to tame these gods was Suwako. Because of this, she gained an extraordinary amount of faith, and cultivated a kingdom as its ruler while still being a god. However, many other gods of Yamato (ancient Japan) invaded her kingdom. One of those gods was Kanako. The many gods of Yamato continually conquered the small kingdom for themselves. They said that ultimately, they would unify all countries and create a single country called Japan. Naturally, Suwako resisted and fought with the finest steel weapons of the time. However, Kanako held out a thin vine, and Suwako's large steel arsenal instantly rusted. Suwako realized the difference in their divine powers and her defeat. She valiantly forfeited and relinquished her kingdom. And so, Kanako attained the kingdom of Moriya(洩矢). However, the people of Moriya(洩矢) could not forget the fear of their native gods, Mishaguji, and were unable to accept their new god. Kanako thought she could not gain the faith of the people, and gave up on making the kingdom hers. Instead, she called forth a new god and combined it with Moriya's(洩矢) god. Within the kingdom, this new god was called Moriya(守矢), but was called by a different name outside of the kingdom. This way, it seemed as if it was ruling the kingdom. Moriya(守矢) is, of course, Moriya(洩矢). And thus Kanako borrowed Suwako's powers, and silently ruled as the God of Mountains. The new god that was said to have reigned over the kingdom was a god only in name, existing only to preserve the legend of Yamato. In reality, Suwako continued to rule over the kingdom. Although the gods of the modern world have mostly been replaced by the Yamato Legends, she is still in her original form discreetly gathering faith.
Suwako didn't mind so much, but Kanako panicked and moved the whole shrine to Gensokyo. Suwako didn't know how well she could get by in Gensokyo, but she decided to enjoy it as her final amusement. The reason she didn't argue with Kanako for deserting the kingdom and coming to Gensokyo was because she had no regrets left in the outer world. There were few people that knew her name. After all, even the closest human to Suwako, Sanae, doesn't know much about her. Sanae is currently Kanako's Shrine Maiden, but the reason she can create miracles is because she is Suwako's distant descendant. Despite this, she does not seem to understand why there are two gods within her own shrine. Suwako didn't care whether or not she was fated to be forgotten anymore. She's actually thankful to Kanako as it seems she'll be able to enjoy a second life in Gensokyo.
There are two reasons. The first is because the snake symbolizes reincarnation. It was to oppose the fear of Mishaguji.
Why, you ask? Suwako is a god that takes the form of a frog, and snakes eat frogs. Rituals of the new kingdom included sacrificing frogs to state that "The Snake now rules this kingdom in place of the Frog."
They share common interests and are actually very good friends. |