ULiL Title Theme- Heart-Stirring Urban Legends
ULiL Character Select Theme- Gensokyo Mystery Discovery
ULiL Pre-Battle Theme- An Everyday Life with Balls
ULiL Pre-Battle Theme- Forms of Manifested Folklore
ULiL Pre-Battle Theme- The Value is Unrealised
ULiL Pre-Battle Theme- Believe in Possibilities
ULiL Pre-Battle Theme- Arrival of the Winds of the Era
ULiL Pre-Battle Theme- Those Who Know the Truth
ULiL ~ Pre Battle Theme ~ Outside World Folklore
ULiL Story Mode Battle Theme- Occult à la Carte
ULiL Story Mode Battle Theme- Fair Scramble
ULiL Story Mode Battle Theme- Bell of the Antipodes
ULiL Story Mode Battle Theme- Bamboo Forest in Flames
ULiL Reimu's Theme Dichromatic Lotus Butterfly ~ Red and White
ULiL Marisa's Theme Love-coloured Master Spark
ULiL Ichirin's Theme- The Traditional Old Man and the Stylish Girl
ULiL Byakuren's Theme- Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind
ULiL Futo's Theme- Omiwa Legend
ULiL Miko's Theme- Shoutoku Legend ~ True Administrator
ULiL Nitori's Theme- Akutagawa Ryuunosuke's "Kappa" ~ Candid Friend
ULiL Koishi's Theme Hartmann's Youkai Girl
ULiL Mamizou's Theme- Futatsuiwa from Gensokyo
ULiL Kokoro's Theme- The Lost Emotion
ULiL Mokou's Theme- Reach for the Moon, Immortal Smoke
ULiL Shinmyoumaru's Theme- Inchlings of the Shining Needle ~ Little Princess
Touhou 14.5 Urban Legend In Limbo OST - Battlefield of Hanahazama - Kasen's theme
Touhou 14.5 Urban Legend In Limbo OST Last Occultism - Sumireko usami theme
ULiL Ending Theme- Each Ending
ULiL Staff Roll Theme- The Arcane is Revealed