Touhou Español
Touhou Español

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Spell Card 089

Screenshot No. 089: 六道剣「一念無量劫 -Easy-」

Six Realms Sword "Ageless Obsession -Easy-"
(六道: the Six Realms of Rebirth in Buddhism. All living things eternally keep rebirthing in the six realms.)

Personaje: Youmu Konpaku
Stage 6 — Easy
Comentario: Standard dodging, a moment is a moment, dismiss the attendant.

Spell Card 090

Screenshot No. 090: 六道剣「一念無量劫」

Six Realms Sword "Ageless Obsession"

Personaje: Youmu Konpaku
Stage 6 — Normal
Comentario: Standard dodging, a moment is a moment, dismiss the attendant.

Spell Card 091

Screenshot No. 091: 六道剣「一念無量劫 -Hard-」

Six Realms Sword "Ageless Obsession -Hard-"

Personaje: Youmu Konpaku
Stage 6 — Hard
Comentario: Heavy dodging, a moment is a moment, dismiss the attendant.

Spell Card 092

Screenshot No. 092: 六道剣「一念無量劫 -Lunatic-」

Six Realms Sword "Ageless Obsession -Lunatic-"

Personaje: Youmu Konpaku
Stage 6 — Lunatic
Comentario: Heavy dodging, a moment is a moment, dismiss the attendant.

Spell Card 093

Screenshot No. 093: 亡郷「亡我郷 -さまよえる魂-」

Losing Hometown "Lost Soul's Village -Wandering Soul-"
(亡郷: losing hometown, deracinated. 亡我: getting lost, in a trance.)

Personaje: Yuyuko Saigyouji
Stage 6 — Easy
Comentario: Standard dodging, a spread of magic, an intersecting fan of death.

Spell Card 094

Screenshot No. 094: 亡郷「亡我郷 -宿罪-」

Losing Hometown "Lost Soul's Village -Fatal Sin-"
(宿罪: sins committed in a past existence.)

Personaje: Yuyuko Saigyouji
Stage 6 — Normal
Comentario: Standard dodging, a spread of magic, an intersecting fan of death.

Spell Card 095

Screenshot No. 095: 亡郷「亡我郷 -道無き道-」

Losing Hometown "Lost Soul's Village -Trackless Path-"

Personaje: Yuyuko Saigyouji
Stage 6 — Hard
Comentario: Standard dodging, double spread of magic, an intersecting fan of death.

Spell Card 096

Screenshot No. 096: 亡郷「亡我郷 -自尽-」

Losing Hometown "Lost Soul's Village -Suicide-"

Personaje: Yuyuko Saigyouji
Stage 6 — Lunatic
Comentario: Heavy dodging, double spread of magic, an intersecting fan of death.

Spell Card 097

Screenshot No. 097: 亡舞「生者必滅の理 -眩惑-」

Deadly Dance "Law of Mortality -Illusion-"
(生者必滅: "All living things must die eventually. It is fate". The most famous appearance of this phrase is in Hougen Monogatari, which tells how Heishi got the start of authority, and where poem of Saigyou is listed.)

Personaje: Yuyuko Saigyouji
Stage 6 — Easy
Comentario: Standard dodging, endless butterfly spirals, two spirit followers.

Spell Card 098

Screenshot No. 098: 亡舞「生者必滅の理 -死蝶-」

Deadly Dance "Law of Mortality -Dead Butterfly-"

Personaje: Yuyuko Saigyouji
Stage 6 — Normal
Comentario: Standard dodging, endless butterfly spirals, five spirit followers.

Spell Card 099

Screenshot No. 099: 亡舞「生者必滅の理 -毒蛾-」

Deadly Dance "Law of Mortality -Poisonous Moth-"

Personaje: Yuyuko Saigyouji
Stage 6 — Hard
Comentario: Heavy dodging, endless butterfly spirals, six spirit followers.

Spell Card 100

Screenshot No. 100: 亡舞「生者必滅の理 -魔境-」

Deadly Dance "Law of Mortality -Demon World-"

Personaje: Yuyuko Saigyouji
Stage 6 — Lunatic
Comentario: Heavy dodging, endless butterfly spirals, seven spirit followers.

Spell Card 101

Screenshot No. 101: 華霊「ゴーストバタフライ」

Flowery Soul "Ghost Butterfly"

Personaje: Yuyuko Saigyouji
Stage 6 — Easy
Comentario: Light trick, homing butterfly spirits, plan future movements.

Spell Card 102

Screenshot No. 102: 華霊「スワローテイルバタフライ」

Flowery Soul "Swallowtail Butterfly"

Personaje: Yuyuko Saigyouji
Stage 6 — Normal
Comentario: Standard trick, homing butterfly spirits, move quick and safely.

Spell Card 103

Screenshot No. 103: 華霊「ディープルーティドバタフライ」

Flowery Soul "Deep-Rooted Butterfly"

Personaje: Yuyuko Saigyouji
Stage 6 — Hard
Comentario: Heavy trick, homing butterfly spirits, give yourself room to live.

Spell Card 104

Screenshot No. 104: 華霊「バタフライディルージョン」

Flowery Soul "Butterfly Delusion"

Personaje: Yuyuko Saigyouji
Stage 6 — Lunatic
Comentario: Heavy trick, homing butterfly spirits, pick up the tempo.

Spell Card 105

Screenshot No. 105: 幽曲「リポジトリ・オブ・ヒロカワ -偽霊-」

Subtle Melody "Repository of Hirokawa -False Soul-"
(幽曲: one of five ways to chant the Noh, which is a type of classical Japanese musical drama. Hirokawa: refers to Hirokawa Temple (弘川寺), where the famous Japanese poet Saigyou (西行) died.)

Personaje: Yuyuko Saigyouji
Stage 6 — Easy
Comentario: Light streaming, an array of butterflies, lead the swarm.

Spell Card 106

Screenshot No. 106: 幽曲「リポジトリ・オブ・ヒロカワ -亡霊-」

Subtle Melody "Repository of Hirokawa -Ghost-"

Personaje: Yuyuko Saigyouji
Stage 6 — Normal
Comentario: Standard streaming, two arrays of butterflies, lead the swarm.

Spell Card 107

Screenshot No. 107: 幽曲「リポジトリ・オブ・ヒロカワ -幻霊-」

Subtle Melody "Repository of Hirokawa -Phantom-"

Personaje: Yuyuko Saigyouji
Stage 6 — Hard
Comentario: Standard streaming, two arrays of butterflies, lead the swarm.

Spell Card 108

Screenshot No. 108: 幽曲「リポジトリ・オブ・ヒロカワ -神霊-」

Subtle Melody "Repository of Hirokawa -Divine Soul-"

Personaje: Yuyuko Saigyouji
Stage 6 — Lunatic
Comentario: Heavy streaming, four arrays of butterflies, lead the swarm.

Spell Card 109

Screenshot No. 109: 桜符「完全なる墨染の桜 -封印-」

Cherry Blossom Sign "Perfect Cherry Blossom of Sumizome -Seal-"
(Sumizome: the color of cherry blossom getting a little dark like sumi, or the name of the spirit in a cherry tree in the Japanese play, "Seki no To". In Tougane City of Chiba Prefecture, there is a legend where Saigyou made a certain poem and planted cherry to put the stick of "Sumizome Zakura" into the ground.)

Personaje: Yuyuko Saigyouji
Stage 6 — Easy
Comentario: Heavy dodging, petals fall like snow, She was placed under the Seal.

Spell Card 110

Screenshot No. 110: 桜符「完全なる墨染の桜 -亡我-」

Cherry Blossom Sign "Perfect Cherry Blossom of Sumizome -Getting Lost-"

Personaje: Yuyuko Saigyouji
Stage 6 — Normal
Comentario: Heavy dodging, petals fall like snow, the Seal prevents her reincarnation.

Spell Card 111

Screenshot No. 111: 桜符「完全なる墨染の桜 -春眠-」

Cherry Blossom Sign "Perfect Cherry Blossom of Sumizome -Deep Sleep-"

Personaje: Yuyuko Saigyouji
Stage 6 — Hard
Comentario: Heavy dodging, petals fall like snow, for a thousand years She has been sleeping.

Spell Card 112

Screenshot No. 112: 桜符「完全なる墨染の桜 -開花-」

Cherry Blossom Sign "Perfect Cherry Blossom of Sumizome -Bloom-"

Personaje: Yuyuko Saigyouji
Stage 6 — Lunatic
Comentario: Heavy dodging, petals fall like snow, She must not be allowed to awaken.

Spell Card 113

Screenshot No. 113: 「反魂蝶 -一分咲-」

"Resurrection Butterfly -10% Reflowering-"
(反魂: literally "Anti-Soul", it is a term that stands for returning someone's soul to their dead body, in order to revive the dead person. There is a book of stories, Senjuushou (撰集抄), which tells a strange story that Saigyou was so lonely that he wanted a friend, used the art of "Hangon" to gather bodies for the purpose of get them together, and created human.)

Personaje: Yuyuko Saigyouji
Stage 6 — Easy
Comentario: Unknown threat, the final curtain, be praying.

Spell Card 114

Screenshot No. 114: 「反魂蝶 -参分咲-」

"Resurrection Butterfly -30% Reflowering-"

Personaje: Yuyuko Saigyouji
Stage 6 — Normal
Comentario: Unknown threat, the final curtain, be praying.

Spell Card 115

Screenshot No. 115: 「反魂蝶 -伍分咲-」

"Resurrection Butterfly -50% Reflowering-"

Personaje: Yuyuko Saigyouji
Stage 6 — Hard
Comentario: Unknown threat, the final curtain, be praying.

Spell Card 116

Screenshot No. 116: 「反魂蝶 -八分咲-」

"Resurrection Butterfly -80% Reflowering-"

Personaje: Yuyuko Saigyouji
Stage 6 — Lunatic
Comentario: Unknown threat, the final curtain, be praying.

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