Hauptprofil | Spielprofil | Fun Facts | Fan Culture | Musik | Bücher |
Name: |
聖 白蓮 (ひじり びゃくれん) Byakuren Hijiri | |
Alternate spellings: |
Byakuren Hiziri | |
Spezies: |
Magierin | |
Fähigkeiten: |
Magie (spezialisiert in Magie die ihre körperlichen Kräfte stärken) | |
Alter: |
Unbekannt, Mindestens 1000 Jahre | |
Tätigkeit: |
Mönch | |
Heimat: |
Temple of Myouren | |
Beschreibung: |
Hat langes, welliges, hell-braunes Haar das sich weiter oben violett zu färben scheint und hasel oder hellbraune Augen. Trägt ein schwarz-weißes Kleid mit langen Bändern aus schwarzem Stoff die über den Brustkorb gehen und aus weißem Stoff um die Arme. Zu diesem Kleid trägt sie einen roten Umhang und schwarze Stiefel um die ebenfalls weiße Bänder gewickelt sind. Außerdem hält sie einen großen Gegenstand der aussieht wie eine magische Rolle. | |
Beziehungen: |
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Auftritte: |
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Titel: |
See Charakter Titel |
The stage 6 boss, Byakuren has said that she was once a human and worked with her younger brother as a monk. When he died, she feared death, but she was able to maintain her youth with her power. However, she feared that she might lose her power, so she helped youkai in many ways. But she didn't hate humans either, because she wanted humans and youkai to co-exist. She was ultimately sealed away in Makai by humans. During the events of Undefined Fantastic Object, the youkai she has saved reappear to break her free from the seal. Her fate depends on which heroine is chosen by the player.
Based on events in Undefined Fantastic Object's Extra and later on in Touhou Hisoutensoku, she made a temple near the Human Village.
Fun Facts[]
Undefined Fantastic Object - Omake.txt[]
○6面ボス 封印された大魔法使い 種族:魔法使い 白蓮の弟、命蓮は伝説の僧侶であった。 白蓮は、年老いてからその弟に法力を学んだ。 しかし、命蓮は白蓮よりも早く亡くなってしまった。 若返りを自分の物にし、寿命が亡くなった彼女が次に怖れたのはその 妖術が失われる事、それは人間が完全に妖術を排除する事に他ならない。 彼女は妖怪を敬ったが、それは人間と敵対する為ではない。 突然現れた若い僧侶。 そして、彼女の思いと人間達の期待とのギャップが、悲劇を生んだ。 | |
○Stage 6 Boss The Sealed Great Magician
Byakuren Hijiri
Species: magician
Ability: the power to use magic (specializing in magic that increases her physical abilities)
Byakuren's sibling Myouren was a famous monk. Myouren's days were spent easily tossing around enormous pots that contained great storehouses and curing sick people's illnesses in remote places.
Byakuren, getting along in years, learned Buddhist magic from Myouren. She normally lived on Tobikura, which was packed with Myouren's Buddhist power, and so naturally Byakuren gained power of her own.
However, Myouren died before Byakuren.
The bereaved Byakuren started to fear death greatly.
She obtained the power to regain her youth, but rather than a Buddhist art, it was something more like black magic.
After having mastered the power of youth and left behind a normal creature's lifespan, the next thing she came to fear was someday losing her power.
The only way to lose that black art was for Humanity to reject it entirely.
In other words, if youkai ceased to exist, she wouldn't be able to sustain her own power.
And so, she honored youkai.
She pretended to be a great youkai exterminator, but actually saved the youkai behind the scenes.
She had great respect for youkai, but not because she disliked humans.
In the beginning, it was born from her own greed, but as she learned of the difficult past the youkai had borne, she began to think she needed to do something to help them.
This youthful monk who'd suddenly appeared...
Her youth and her magic made her extremely popular among humans.
"As long as Byakuren is here, we don't have to fear youkai anymore. We don't need to live in fear of the night anymore."
And so the gap between her wishes and the expectations gave birth to a terrible tragedy.
People began to call her a demon in human form.
She was sealed away in Makai, never to appear before humans again.